Can't bind to an assembly using relative path


Toma Catalin

Hy there, I have a problem binding to an assemlby. I wan't to use an config
file to bind to an assembly that is located 1 directory up, relative to the
app path. So I made this config file:

<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
<assemblyIdentity name="TestAssembly"
publicKeyToken="43b3f97a147cea99" />
<codeBase version="" href="file:\..\TestAssembly.dll" />

This doesn't work, but in the docs it says that if TestAssembly is strongly
named, I can use relative paths. If I copy the assembly to c:\ and change the
href to "file:c:\TestAssembly.dll" it works. What can I do?
Thanks in advance.

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