Can't access second drive after new mainboard install


Jim Perkins

XP PRO, Athlon 2600, 60 gig, 40 gig Western drives.

I can't access the second drive,(programs), after I
installed a new mainboard. 1st drive master, second
slave, same ide channel - worked before.
Both drives work in second machine but not tested
I changed mainboard because as it began to go bad the
first thing it did was loose the ability to read the
second drive then the first. It caused major problems
with OS on first drive which required using disk repair
of OS which is now back to normal.
Second disk works fine in second machine running win98.
All folders viewable.
New bios detects both drives. XP detects both drives as
well. Explorer does not! Clicking on drive letter box
says "D:\ is not accessable, parameter is incorrect".
Disk properties show both disks drive names and show
disks enabled. All destop links to second drive from
before still show but are not working.
I've tried different cable settings with no luck. This
appears to be an OS issue. The OS seems to remember non-
working second drive condition prior to OS repair??? I've
seen references to similar problems on the net but no
real solutions. NOTE: it is possible for me to move my
dvd burner over to win 98 box and copy contents then
format drive but I'd really like to find another way. 99%
of my programs are on the d drive.
Any thoughts?

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