Cannot Update Roaming Profile (UsrClass)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paul
  • Start date Start date


When I log out of WXP Pro XP1 (with almost all latest
security patches) I get an error saying that my roaming
profile cannot be updated. The problem is the
UsrClass.dat.LOG file, and the error in the event log says
that it in use by another process (Event ID 1509). This
error is always preceded by Event ID 1524, warning that
the class registry file cannot be unloaded because it is
in use by another application of service. It is always
followed by event IDs 1504 (roaming profile cannot be
updated) and 1525 (about the need to disable offline
cacheing on the roaming profile share). I assume the
latter is unrelated (not that I know how to disable it!).

I cannot find any info on technet or Google about this
problem. Has anyone got any ideas, please? It is a real
pain not being able to save the profile!

Hi Paul,

Thanks for your posting here.

Is your Windows XP client in a Windows 2000 domain or Windows NT domain?

Please disable the Web Client service and try again. What is the result?

If the problem still persists, please export the following registry key to
a TXT file and paste the content in your post.

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

Bob Qin
Product Support Services
Microsoft Corporation

Get Secure! -

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Thanks for the reply, Bob.

The WXP client is in a Windows NT Domain.

I disabled the Web Client Service, and rebooted. The
problem with saving UsrClass.dat went away, and the
profile was saved. The only warning remaining in the event
log is 1525 about offline cacheing on the roaming profile.

So - this cured the problem. But what does this service
do, and will it matter when the PC is moved to a Windows
2000 domain (Active Directory) in a couple of months time?


Hi Paul,

WebClient Service enables Windows-based programs to create, access, and
modify Internet-based files. If this service is stopped, these functions
will not be available. If this service is disabled, any services that
explicitly depend on it will fail to start. You can try to enable it after
you move to Windows 2000 domain.

The problem can also be caused that the specified directories in registry
cannot be copied. Please set as the following registry key:


Default Values: Local Settings;Temporary Internet Files;History;Temp
Default if Office is installed: Local Settings;Temporary Internet
Files;History;Temp;Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook
These directories are appended to the path C:\Documents and

Have a nice day!

Bob Qin
Product Support Services
Microsoft Corporation

Get Secure! -

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that others may learn and benefit from your issue.
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