When I log out of WXP Pro XP1 (with almost all latest
security patches) I get an error saying that my roaming
profile cannot be updated. The problem is the
UsrClass.dat.LOG file, and the error in the event log says
that it in use by another process (Event ID 1509). This
error is always preceded by Event ID 1524, warning that
the class registry file cannot be unloaded because it is
in use by another application of service. It is always
followed by event IDs 1504 (roaming profile cannot be
updated) and 1525 (about the need to disable offline
cacheing on the roaming profile share). I assume the
latter is unrelated (not that I know how to disable it!).
I cannot find any info on technet or Google about this
problem. Has anyone got any ideas, please? It is a real
pain not being able to save the profile!
security patches) I get an error saying that my roaming
profile cannot be updated. The problem is the
UsrClass.dat.LOG file, and the error in the event log says
that it in use by another process (Event ID 1509). This
error is always preceded by Event ID 1524, warning that
the class registry file cannot be unloaded because it is
in use by another application of service. It is always
followed by event IDs 1504 (roaming profile cannot be
updated) and 1525 (about the need to disable offline
cacheing on the roaming profile share). I assume the
latter is unrelated (not that I know how to disable it!).
I cannot find any info on technet or Google about this
problem. Has anyone got any ideas, please? It is a real
pain not being able to save the profile!