cannot type in textboxes



I did a fresh install of Vista, and a stange problem has cropped up. I stated
to re-install my programs, everything on C: by default when on without a
hitch, but I want to install my games on E:. When I go to change the field, I
select the text box and the program will crash. So I closed it down and tried
again, same thing. So I opened Firefox, and it does the same thing, try to
type a URL in and FF locks up. The keyboard works as I can type in my
password at the beginning of Vista and if I press num lock for example it
toggle on/off. My impression of Vista now is terrible, because now my
computer is unusable. Does anybody know how to fix this?


ckydmk said:
I did a fresh install of Vista, and a stange problem has cropped up. I
stated to re-install my programs, everything on C: by default when on
without a hitch, but I want to install my games on E:. When I go to change
the field, I select the text box and the program will crash. So I closed
it down and tried again, same thing. So I opened Firefox, and it does the
same thing, try to type a URL in and FF locks up. The keyboard works as I
can type in my password at the beginning of Vista and if I press num lock
for example it toggle on/off. My impression of Vista now is terrible,
because now my computer is unusable. Does anybody know how to fix this?

After you did the clean install of Vista, did you remember to install
drivers for all your hardware? If you forgot to do this, that may be why
you're having difficulties.

General information about drivers:

Never get drivers from Windows Update. Get them from:

1. The device mftr.'s website; OR
2. The motherboard mftr.'s website if hardware is onboard; OR
3. The OEM's website for your specific machine if you have an OEM computer
(HP, Dell, Sony, etc.).

Read the installation instructions on the website where you get the drivers.

To find out what hardware is in your computer:

1. Read any documentation you got when you bought the computer.
2. If the computer is OEM, go to the OEM's website for your specific model
machine and look at the specs (you'll be there to get the drivers anyway)
3. Download, install and run a free system inventory program like Belarc
Advisor or System Information for Windows. - Belarc Advisor - System Information for Windows

If you remembered to install drivers, then test whatever the E:\ drive is.
You didn't say whether this is a partition you made on a single hard drive
or a second internal hard drive. If the latter, download a diagnostic
utility from the drive mftr.'s website (or use SeaTools) and do a thorough
test. If the drive fails any physical tests, replace it.




Please try Malke suggestions, if that doesn't resolve your problem it's
possible it's something in your startup causing this to happen. To
troubleshoot this try running Msconfig and DISABLE everything then reboot.
This will take some time but you must do this to see if there is a problem
app or driver causing this. With that said, open Msconfig again a recheck
only one item and reboot. Try typing something in FireFox and see if it
still happens. If not repeat the steps above one by one. If you check one,
reboot and the problem occurs then you know the last one you checked is
what's causing the problem.

All the best,

Is your computer system ready for Vista?

Drew Leyda

I had a problem where I could type in my Windows Log-on password but no text
in any Programs. It was because I had change my Keystroke speed to avoid
double letters. I don't remember how I did it. I will check and get back to


Drew Leyda

The keyboard works as I can type in my
password at the beginning of Vista and if I press num lock for example it
toggle on/off. My impression of Vista now is terrible, because now my
computer is unusable. Does anybody know how to fix this?

Start/Control Panel/Hardware and Sound/Keyboard Adjust Repeat Delay
and Repeat Rate.

But I know I saw a screen where I adjusted rate in milliseconds and it
caused this problem. Can't find it ?????


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