Cannot Stay logged into XP after using Ad-aware



I just recently did a full scan for spyware using Ad-aware 6.0. After doing
this, the program said that it couldn't delete a couple of the files and
that I'd have to restart for it to be able to. Upon restarting however, I'd
attempt to login to windows. It would show my background, load nothing,
then instantly log me off.

It does the same thing for safe mode aswell. And I tried starting using my
previous startup settings. Someone else had this same problem and they were
able to find the solution by editing their registry over their network. I
can't access my computer's registry over the network for some reason, I
might have the option disabled.

Has anyone had this problem?
this is the thread with the network registry solution.



same here i think it is a recent problem from lavasoft's ad aware6 there is a nother post in here that a guy had the same exact problem

Robert Tyler

I just recently did a full scan for spyware using Ad-aware 6.0. After doing
this, the program said that it couldn't delete a couple of the files and
that I'd have to restart for it to be able to. Upon restarting however, I'd
attempt to login to windows. It would show my background, load nothing,
then instantly log me off.

It does the same thing for safe mode aswell. And I tried starting using my
previous startup settings. Someone else had this same problem and they were
able to find the solution by editing their registry over their network. I
can't access my computer's registry over the network for some reason, I
might have the option disabled.

Has anyone had this problem?
this is the thread with the network registry solution.


This is pretty normal after removing some spyware that attacks Windows
networking components. We usually run Winsock fix when this happens:

Give it a try!

Bob Tyler...
Tyler Systems, LLC


I had this same problem and worked on it for hours. Finally found the answer here:

Here is what to do

I have a solution to this. It happened to my dad earlier today and I've been trying to correct it for 6 hours. After some searching and failed attempts. I put my windows XP cd back in (home edition) and got to the recovery prompt. You should be in C:\windows now follow from here

type 'cd system32' the directory should now b
type 'copy userinit.exe wsaupdater.exe'
1 file should be copied, now REBOOT

My login hung for about 15 seconds then got to finishing with the ad-aware. My dad is now gladly running amok in cyberspace again. Hope this helps anyone that can't access the pc on a network like me. All thanks goes to my cousin Brian Meloche for being the smartest computer geek I know. =)

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