Cannot Start Outlook



i have upgraded my office xp 2002 to office 2003. whenever i try to start
outlook i get the following error message
"Cannot start Microsoft Outlook. Unable to open the outlook window. the set
of folders could not be opened"
can any one help me sort out this problem.

Roady [MVP]

Make sure your mail profile is configured properly;
Control Panel-> Mail-> button Show Profiles...

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-What do the Outlook Icons Mean?
-Create an Office 2003 CD slipstreamed with Service Pack 1


Dear Dr. Maftoon,

My ISP is AOL and I have been using Outlook with no difficulties for three

Yesterday when I tried to open Outlook I got exactly the same message.

Have you managed to solve your problem and if so how did you do it?



I had a similar problem. I tried everything but none worked­.
I was able to solve the problem using the following approach­. I
created a similar user account on a different computer with ­the same
rights and installed Outlook 2003 on it without a problem. ­I then
back to the problem computer and deleted all the files in
drive:\Documents and Settings\user name\local settings\Appli­cation
data\Mcrosoft\Outlook and replaced them with files copied fr­om the
folder on the newly created account on the other computer.
I hope this works.



Thank you for your suggestion.

The only other PC I have access to is my work PC & I couldn't use that one.
I have been discussing this problem with other AOL members & it seems AOL is
the cause of the problem.

The only thing I can do is change my ISP as soon as I can but I have lost
all my 'tasks', 'appointments' and 'contacts'.



Hey guys, this problem just happened to me this morning. message says "cannot
start and unable to open outlook window.thes set of folders could not be
opened.server is not available".any easier way to recover.I have quite a
number of messages in the folders


Hey Guys.

I had this problem occur last night and fixed it this morning. Here's what I

According to Roady's advice, I looked at Control Panel-> Mail-> button Show
Profiles... I highligted my email and hit properties->data files.
Highlighting each item in turn and hitting "settings" revealed that there was
an error with my "personal folders." Hitting "open folder" opened the folder
where the .pst files are located.
There were only two .pst files: archive and outlook. I already knew the
archive was ok because it checked out when I hit settings on it a moment ago.
This meant that the outlook.pst file was corrupt. I followed the instructions
on the following site to repair the file. Everything works fine now.;en-us;814441

Hope this helps someone else.


The answer is always embeded somewhere at the bottom. Scanpst.exe should be
an option in the control panel to repair problems with Outlook. Thanks for
the help!


The link reference below;en-us;814441 proved very
helpful. If nothing else, it cleaned up my .pst files.

I was installing Outlook 2003 over Outlook 2000. (XP) The problem coccurs
when Outlook was trying to find a .pst file when infact there were several.
I was also having my hotmail directed to my Outlook inbox. It would be best
to remove the hotmail account only long enough to allow outlook to see the
the correct .pst file. I created a new one (personal folders (1)) and this
allowed me to migrate all my contacts into the new folder. It also allowed
me to see the e-mails from my old personal folders. I kept mine... however
I'm sure this could be deleted as well.


I have the same problem not being able to start outlook. Error says--"Cannot
start microsoft outlook. Unable to dispplay the selected folder ot item.
Could not open the item. Try again."
I looked at Control Panel-> Mail-> button Show Profiles... I highligted my
email and hit properties->data files.
But when i opened DATA FILES there was nothing in there??
I hit the ADD button and added a .PST file but i still get the same Error
and cant start outlook??
Should there be other files here?
What else can i try to fix this??

Peter James

Didn't quite work for me.

The route to finding the PST failed because of an unknown error (I guess
that the pst was so corrupt that settings couldn't open it).

However, I searched for *.pst and found it that way. The repair worked fine.

Peter James

I should also mention that the cause was a power failure whilst outlook was
downloading messages.

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