Cannot start OS



At first, XP would start loading and then shut off shortly after reaching the
win logo screen. Now, it will boot up only to the screen that asks which
operating system I want to use; it will not accept a choice. How can I get
the Operating System to work again? If I reinstall XP in the same paritition
as the presesnt system, won't I lose data and files that are presently in the


Sometimes Windows begins to load but then stops responding during the startup
process. In most cases, the problem is a new piece of hardware, a new
program, or a corrupted system file. Follow the instructions below to
troubleshoot the problem. Try to start your computer after each step.
Continue to the next step only if Windows continues to fail during startup.

To troubleshoot startup problems

1. Restart your computer. Immediately after the screen goes blank for the
first time, press the F8 key repeatedly. The Windows Advanced Options menu
appears. If the menu does not appear, restart your computer and try again.
Use the cursor keys on your keyboard (your mouse will not work) to select
Last Known Good Configuration, and then press ENTER. Windows XP attempts to

2. If you recently installed new hardware, shut down your computer and
disconnect the hardware. Then, restart Windows XP and troubleshoot your
hardware to get it working properly.

3. Restart your computer and press F8 again. This time, choose Safe Mode
and press ENTER. Windows XP attempts to start in Safe Mode. If Windows XP
starts successfully in Safe Mode, you can remove any programs or updates you
have recently installed that you cause the problem. You can also perform
virus scans. Then, restart your computer normally.

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