Cannot Run Two Device Installations Error Message



I have recently purchased a digital camera but when I try to download the photos the new Hardware Wizard does not respond. I tried to install it manually but there is an error message saying Cannot run two devise installations at once and that another device installation is underway

I am not trying to install anything else and my computer appears to be working OK so not sure what installation it is. Is there a way of checking to see what it is and how to delete?

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Diana,

When you try to manually install it, the system is seeing the auto-install
routine that is already in place, so you get the error message about not
having two at the same time.

The problem is likely being caused by other routines running, and blocking
the software loading and hardware detection routine. Shut down all other
running processes, including antivirus software. Hit ctrl+shift+escape and
start killing unnecessary items on the processes tab (Don't worry, Windows
will not allow you to kill critical system processes). Then retry connecting
the camera.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

Diana said:
I have recently purchased a digital camera but when I try to download the
photos the new Hardware Wizard does not respond. I tried to install it
manually but there is an error message saying Cannot run two devise
installations at once and that another device installation is underway.
I am not trying to install anything else and my computer appears to be
working OK so not sure what installation it is. Is there a way of checking
to see what it is and how to delete?

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