cannot recieve email



I am using outlook as my email program. Suddenly, I could not recieve email
from my pop3 servers. I can send from these accounts, just not download
anything. I can retrieve these emails from another computer, but just not my
office computer. I have called my ISP and my email server, both not seeing
any errors on their side. I keep getting the error message:
Task"pop3.******.com - receiving' reported error (0x800cccof) : "The
connection to the server was interrupted. If this porblem continues, contact
your server administrator or Internet Service Provider (ISP).'

Sometimes it will end with ' The server responded:+OK'

I have tried turning my firewall off and putting my IP in the DMZ of my
router and no luck. I have also opened port 110 on my firewall, no luck. I
turned off my anti-virus, no luck. I tried telneting to my pop3 server. I
am able to connect, but then I am kicked off with the message "The connection
to the server was interrupted."

I am using Outlook 03 on Win XP SP2. Thank you for any help that you can

Jeff Stephenson [MSFT]

Which anti-virus program do you have? If you have Norton, I think I
remember seeing other posts in this group that indicate that to *really*
turn off message scanning, you need to uninstall Norton and reinstall it
without selecting the mail scanning option.

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