Cannot Receive Windows mail


R & P

I cannot receive windows mail. I get message saying I'm "receiving message 1
of 4" - (196 kb total) but nothing comes in. Error message is:
Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for
this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of
inactivity. Account: '', Server: '', Protocol:
POP3, Server Response: '+OK ', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number:
Have tried:
* disabling antivirus - scan incoming emails
* disabling firewall
* have checked properties servers secure password authentication
* have done run cmd "netsh interface tcp set global autotuning=disabled" w/o
the quotation marks and got "Set global command failed on IPv4 The requested
operation requires elevation." message.
HELP!!!! I'm another frustrated Vista user.


R & P said:
I cannot receive windows mail. I get message saying I'm "receiving message
of 4" - (196 kb total) but nothing comes in. Error message is:
Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes
this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of
inactivity. Account: '', Server: '',
POP3, Server Response: '+OK ', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number:
Have tried:
* disabling antivirus - scan incoming emails
* disabling firewall
* have checked properties servers secure password authentication
* have done run cmd "netsh interface tcp set global autotuning=disabled"
the quotation marks and got "Set global command failed on IPv4 The
operation requires elevation." message.
HELP!!!! I'm another frustrated Vista user.
What antivirus program(s) do you have? Some of them tend to cause
problems in Windows Mail as long as they are installed, even if part
or all of the program is disabled.

Such a problem often indicates that you need to log in using webmail
and delete the oldest message in the queue.

You may need to ask for help to make sure you have
your account under Windows Mail set up correctly.
They don't seem to have put instructions for this on their web site.

R & P

I have Trend Micro Antivirus.
I can receive messages through webmail.
I have talked to a couple of times and they are not sure what the
problem is either. Its seems somehow, at anytime, the messages from webmail
may post to my Windows mail, but there is no rhyme or reason for it to do so.
When I have talked to, they will try sending me a message and
then all messages seem to come in.


A recent version of the Trend antivirus program (details not available)
causes assorted problems in Windows Mail. So do most versions of
the Norton and McAfee antivirus programs. Just disabling part or all
of these programs seldom helps; you usually have to uninstall them
instead. You may then need to remove your email account under
Windows Mail, then restart Windows Mail and add the account again.

If this cures your problem, you may want a replacement antivirus
program that doesn't cause such problems. I recommend either
avast! or AVG, either one with a custom install that tells it to leave
out the part that scans email.

R & P

Hello again Robert,
Have uninstalled Trend Antivirus, removed Windows e-mail account, & shut
down ISP. Have now rebooted ISP back up and created new Windows e-mail
account. When checking for new messages says, retrieving messages 1-2 but
then get errored out with:
Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: POP3,
Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC19
I appreciate ALL your help! Thanks


You're welcome.

If you can reboot the ISP, you may need help from someone who knows
more about ISP software than I do. Sorry, I can't guess which newsgroup
to use to try to find such a person.

Gary VanderMolen

If the download gets stuck at "receiving x of y" and then times out,
it means that message 'x' is corrupt on the server. Log in via
webmail and delete that stuck message.

R & P

I continue to have receiving e-mail messages error. I have disabled the
virus protection, etc. An interesting thing is if I hook up my old ME
machine to my dial-up I can receive my messages. So, I don't think the
problem is with my ISP. I think it has to be with the Vista operating
system. My ISP suggested I try using Mozilla Thunderbird client instead.
What do you think? It is so frustrating not to be able to receive my
messages on this nice new PC.

Gary VanderMolen

You said earlier you tried it with your antivirus disabled. Which
antivirus is it? Some of them (Norton, McAfee, Trend Micro) can
cause that problem even when disabled. The only way to rule
out your antivirus as the cause is to uninstall it, reboot, then try
Windows Mail again.

If still no improvement, upgrade to Windows Live Mail:

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