Cannot read files from spanned floppy disk set



I have a weird issue that has surfaced on a Dell Dimension 8300 running XP Pro. After copying multiple files from the hard disk to the floppy drive, the drive will give the normal "Diskette is full. Insert another" Then, you have the option to Retry or Cancel. Well, I insert a 2nd floppy and click Retry. The remaining files will copy successfully. However, when I browse the 2nd disk for its contents, I get an 'invalid directory structure' type of message. This even happens when taking these diskettes to a Windows 2000 Pro workstation. Why is this message being displayed? If I want to access a file that is located on the 1st diskette, it should say "insert disk #1", not, 'invalid directory structure'. Please, any help would be appreciated..

Rob Schneider

What program are you using to copy the files to the floppy?

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.



Pat said:
I am just simply using Windows Explorer, drag and drop.


I wasn't aware that Windows had the capability to create spanned

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