cannot open web after migrating



I try to migrate a FP enabled web (FP ext 2000) to another IIS server.
I configured everything that you can access it with FP, but the rights did not work correctly. I could not save files with a user with authoring rights. Configuring the rights in FP alone did not work, but I couldn't find a KB-article describing the correct NTFS permissions.
So I run the Permissions Wizard, but that deleted all permissions and reset them to Administrators:F, Everyone:R.

Now I can't open the web with the FP client anymore. I reset the NTFS permissions in all subdirs of the web, upgraded to FP 2002 extensions, deleted the FP extensions, deleted all _vti* dirs, reconfigured 2000 extensions, (that did not create the virtual dir _vti_bin, I did that manually), ...

It still doesn't work. When I try to open the web in FP, I get no message at all. It doesn't seem to do anything. But I can still open another web on the same server with FP (also wrong perms). So my FP client and server seem to work.

The target server is a Win2000 with IIS5, FP server extensions 2000 and 2002 both installed. As DNS still points to the old server, I added hosts entries for the new domains on my client and server.

What can I do to get that up and running? Is there a recommended migration procedure to migrate a FP web from one server to another? I couldn't find anything.


Jim Buyens

-----Original Message-----
I try to migrate a FP enabled web (FP ext 2000) to
another IIS server.
I configured everything that you can access it with FP,
but the rights did not work correctly. I could not save
files with a user with authoring rights. Configuring the
rights in FP alone did not work, but I couldn't find a
KB-article describing the correct NTFS permissions.
So I run the Permissions Wizard, but that deleted all
permissions and reset them to Administrators:F,

Now I can't open the web with the FP client anymore. I
reset the NTFS permissions in all subdirs of the web,
upgraded to FP 2002 extensions, deleted the FP
extensions, deleted all _vti* dirs, reconfigured 2000
extensions, (that did not create the virtual dir
_vti_bin, I did that manually), ...

It still doesn't work. When I try to open the web in FP,
I get no message at all. It doesn't seem to do anything.
But I can still open another web on the same server with
FP (also wrong perms). So my FP client and server seem to

The target server is a Win2000 with IIS5, FP server
extensions 2000 and 2002 both installed. As DNS still
points to the old server, I added hosts entries for the
new domains on my client and server.

What can I do to get that up and running?

Please try the instructions at:

Fixing Permissions in an Extended Web Site

If the problem persists, remove and reinstall the
FrontPage Server Extensions, then try the same procedure
Is there a recommended migration procedure to migrate
a FP web from one server to another? I couldn't find


1. Install the FrontPage Server Extensions on a blank
2. In FrontPage, open the root site of the existing
3. Choose Publish Web from the File menu.
4. Specify the new Web server as the destination.
5. Select the Include Subwebs check box.
6. Click Publish Web Site.

As you've discovered, it's not nice to fool around with
mother FrontPage. If you can use FrontPage tools to do
something, that's almost always the best approach. There
are just too many details to make things work manually.

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)



Thanks for your tips. Unfortunately it still doesn't work

I gave Everybody Full Control, but I still can't open the web in Frontpage. It doesn't ask me for a user and opens no error message or any other window (and not the web of course)

I added a virtual directory on the Default Web and a _vti_bin dir under that path. I can open this web with http://<new IP-address>/<virt dir>. But although the domain name is in my hosts file with the new IP-address and I don't use a proxy server, I can't open the http://<domainname> web in Frontpage

Migrating a web with the Frontpage client may be a good solution for one web, but I have to migrate several servers with hundreds of domains. Not all of them use the Frontpage Server Extensions. So it would be better if I could just copy them over


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