Cannot Open Excel getting error: EXCEL.exe has generated errors ..




I am having a problem. OS is Win2K Pro and we are using MS Office 2K Pro. On
some workstations I get an error while I am working in Excel:

EXCEL.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows. You will need
to restart the program. An error log is being created.

Then Excel will b closed.

Today on one workstation I cannot open Excel, same error is coming when I
try to open the Excel. But on some workstations its working fine.

1. I reinstalled (fully) office

2. I tried to repair errors in office installation.

3. During installation I installation I installed ms
office in new location (not default) but the problem is still there.

4. Checked for viruses, nothing found.

I cannot say that this error is coming due to bad installation, because on
some workstation Excel is working great.

OS: Win 2K Pro. with SP4 and win/office updates.
AV: Mcafee Virus Scan(with latest DAT File)

Any help any idea?
Thanks and Regards,


Thanks for your reply,

There I didnt find something related to my problem.


Ken Wright

Sounds like it could be a dodgy xlb file. On one of the affected machines,
do a search for a file called *.xlb and blow it away, then try and relaunch
Excel. This is the toolbar customisation file and does not get removed when
you reinstall. Excel will just create anew one and repolace it with the

You may need to search within hidden files/folders, but I can't remember.

Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 97/00/02/03

It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission :)


Thanks a lot for this great infromation. With your help problem is solved. I
found and deleted the file, and now i can open Excel without any error.
Now i did search again for that file and found it is there in the same
location but now its not giving me any problem. why?

Just wanted to pay thanks.


Ken Wright

Excellent news, and thanks for the feedback. The old file had become
corrupted, and Excel has simply created a new good one.



I am getting the same error. I searched for .xlb file with no results.
I change options to diplay hidden files, then click apply, it doesnt keep
the change.
Running Excel 2000 on Windows 2000
I wnet to officearticles, but none of the articles helped.

Any other ideas?

Dave Peterson

close excel
shell to DOS
windows start button|Run
cmd (windows 2k/xp)
command (windows 98)

At the DOS prompt:
C: (to get to the C: drive)
cd\ (to get to the root directory)

dir *.xlb /s

the /s means to search through subdirectories.

Maybe you'll be able to see/delete the files.


I went to Dos and searched for *.xlb /s , I even used *.xlb /ah/s in case it
was a hidden file. Nothing. There is no .xlb file. It's not getting created,
that the problem.?

I was having trouble w/Word this morning as well. I uninstalled and
reinstalled. Word is ok, but the splash that comes up in the beginning is
blank. When I go into options and put in user information, it doesnt stay. I
close, go back in, same thing, info is blank. All very strange.

any more insight?

(i wasnt sure if that other string was still open, that's why I opened
another one, thanks for responding)

Dave Peterson

I'd search once more...

But maybe you don't have the authority to save to that location--so each time
you close excel, the *.xlb file is not created???

Maybe it's time to talk to your IT guru and see if that could be the cause.

(Or if this is your own pc, maybe logon as administrator -- or check permissions
for each user (way over my head!))



I found the file in my profile,

"C:\Documents and Settings\profilename\Application Data\Microsof\Excel"
I found *.xlb file here.



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