Cannot open email with a Digital Signature



I receive the following message when I attempt to open an email with a
digital signature attached.

"Cannot open this item. Your Digital ID name can not be found by the
underlying security system."

The email server is Exchange Server 2003 Enterprise edition and I am using
Outlook 2003 for the client.

Brian Tillman

danbos said:
I receive the following message when I attempt to open an email with a
digital signature attached.

"Cannot open this item. Your Digital ID name can not be found by the
underlying security system."

The email server is Exchange Server 2003 Enterprise edition and I am
using Outlook 2003 for the client.

This means that the person who sent you the message encrypted that message
with a public key that belongs to someone other than you. They must use
your public key, which means you must have a certificate, when encrypting a


What it turned out to be was our Symantec Mail Security was blocking the
signature file. Once I allowed this to pass through everything worked fine.
Thanks for your input!!!

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