Cannot Logon to Win XP



I had to reload my Win XP Pro (repair) as for whatever
reason my Windows operating system sould not boot up
(NTLDR is missing issues). Anyhow, now that the XP has
been re-installed , on my Welcome to Windows logon screen,
I only have two options: Username and password! When I
clcik on the Options button, the "Log on to" is not

When I enter my admin username and pswd, it does log on
and immediately logs off and bring me back to the logon
screen. I knpow that that pswd works because whren I
enter an invalid one its states so!

Any help?

PS: I also was able to usae that pswd in teh Recovery
console but could not view all the folders due to its


Problem now is NOT with the "ntldr is missing" message.

I reloaded Win XP Pro and now the Logon screen appears,
BUT its looks quite different! The username and password
entries are available but not the third entry. When you
click on the Options button, nothing is displayed and
the "EN" is displayed to the left dialog box!

Anyhow, when I enter my admin username and pswd, its logs
on and immediately logs off!

Any help, pls?

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