Cannot install vista



I have a laptop with another OS installed, and I want to install Vista in a
70 gigabytes NTFS partition that I have prepared.
The problem is that during the installation, when I select the partition and
click next, I get an error message that sounds like "no suitable partitions
for Windows Vista".
Any idea about why it happens? How do have to configure a partition to make
it suitable for vista installation?


John Inzer

...tia.. said:
I have a laptop with another OS installed, and I want to install
Vista in a 70 gigabytes NTFS partition that I have prepared.
The problem is that during the installation, when I select the
partition and click next, I get an error message that sounds like "no
suitable partitions for Windows Vista".
Any idea about why it happens? How do have to configure a partition
to make it suitable for vista installation?

I'm no expert on dual-booting but the
following info worked for me. One
other point...when I first installed Vista
I constantly received errors...updating my
BIOS solved that and now it runs perfectly.

First...hook up all your hardware and run
the Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor...just
to see where you stand.

Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor

Also..."Important"...backup all of your personal
files...My Documents / My Pictures / E-mail / never know what might
go wrong.

You may need to reduce the size of
your Primary Active partition to create
some unallocated space.

I used Acronis Disk Director Suite 10
to accomplish this but there are other
options such as the app. mentioned
in the following article.

How to dual-boot Vista with XP -
step-by-step guide with screenshots

Gnome Partition Editor

Once you have the unallocated space may need to enter your
BIOS and change the boot order so
you can boot from the Vista disk. From
that point just follow the onscreen
instructions. To access the BIOS on my
machine...I have to press and hold the
Delete key when it's powering up.

When Vista installs it will create it's own
partition on the unallocated space.

The following links may be useful also:

Dual-Booting Vista and XP

Dual-Booting Vista and XP (Part 2)

Also the following freebie is very useful in
managing your Boot options.

(scroll down to the download link)


John Inzer
MS Picture It! -
Digital Image MVP

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This is not tech support
I am a volunteer

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you

Proceed at your own risk


I have a laptop with another OS installed, and I want to install Vista in a
70 gigabytes NTFS partition that I have prepared.
The problem is that during the installation, when I select the partition and
click next, I get an error message that sounds like "no suitable partitions
for Windows Vista".
Any idea about why it happens? How do have to configure a partition to make
it suitable for vista installation?


AFAIK - you need a primary partition formatted as NTFS.

Menno Hershberger

I have a laptop with another OS installed, and I want to install Vista
in a 70 gigabytes NTFS partition that I have prepared.
The problem is that during the installation, when I select the
partition and click next, I get an error message that sounds like "no
suitable partitions for Windows Vista".
Any idea about why it happens? How do have to configure a partition to
make it suitable for vista installation?

The first (boot) partition has to be an NTFS partition. Is this the case?
You just said "another OS". If that OS doesn't use or can't be converted to
NTFS, I think you're out of luck.


if its linux on the first partition then you need to do a trick

install vista on second partition and it will destroy the linux boot
however if your distro permits this, you can run the cd of linux and repair
the boot manager, so that you wil be using a linux boot manager to select
between vista and linux

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