Cannot install Vista due to Windows SharePoint Services being inst



My Vista upgrade tells me that WSS is installed. I cannot uninstall it as is
doesn't exist in add/remove progs.
I'm running XPPro SP2 and office 2007 pro, and previously ran Office2003 pro.
Any ideas how to remove WSS?


Has anyone come up with the answer to this problem?? I've got the same
problem. Everytime I try to install Vista I get the message I must first
uninstall Windows Sharepoint Services. I don't have this installed so I
can't uninstall it????


yes, look under c:\program files for something like sts_setup or similiar
folder. Delete the folder and continue. BTW, I upgraded to Vista
successfully, had tonnes of issues with Vista, and am now back on XP. It
wasn't a pleasant experience.


Has anyone come up with the answer to this problem?? I've got the same
problem. Everytime I try to install Vista I get the message I must first
uninstall Windows Sharepoint Services. I don't have this installed so I

i have exactly the same problem with my vista.
Did you work out how to fix this?
cos i rely want to get vista working.

Thanks Jonny

Joe Guidera

Add/Remove programs. Select Microsoft Office 2007 and select change.
Sharepoint services support is distributed as part of Office. The older
version is distributed as part of Office 2003. Note: after upgrade to Vista
you can safely re-add WSS support.


Joe Guidera

That's probably the problem. This may seem strange, but can you completely
remove office and then try your install. Note: you'll need to do 2003
first, then 2000. I'm assuming you have the ability to re-install 2003
after the upgrade has completed.



Both versions are 2003.
Seems the only value to install both would be to add an application from the Pro not included in standard. Does not 2003 Pro include all that 2003 Standard? If so then only one would need to be installed, even if upgrade versions where a prior qualifying cd is present.

If not, then what am I missing ?

: That's probably the problem. This may seem strange, but can you completely
: remove office and then try your install. Note: you'll need to do 2003
: first, then 2000. I'm assuming you have the ability to re-install 2003
: after the upgrade has completed.
: Joe
: : >
: > I don't have Office 2007, only 2003 but oddly enough I have both
: > Standard and Professional editions of 2003 installed. I can change the
: > configuration for Pro but not for standard.
: >
: > -
: > Paul
: >
: >
: > --
: > vpaulg
: > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
: > vpaulg's Profile:
: > View this thread:
: >
: >
: >

Joe Guidera

Correct. Pro contains everything that standard includes. I think the two
versions being installed are causing some kind of issue with multiple
versions of the sharepoint support being installed that's confusing the
upgrade process.


Both versions are 2003.
Seems the only value to install both would be to add an application from the
Pro not included in standard. Does not 2003 Pro include all that 2003
Standard? If so then only one would need to be installed, even if upgrade
versions where a prior qualifying cd is present.

If not, then what am I missing ?

: That's probably the problem. This may seem strange, but can you
: remove office and then try your install. Note: you'll need to do 2003
: first, then 2000. I'm assuming you have the ability to re-install 2003
: after the upgrade has completed.
: Joe
: : >
: > I don't have Office 2007, only 2003 but oddly enough I have both
: > Standard and Professional editions of 2003 installed. I can change the
: > configuration for Pro but not for standard.
: >
: > -
: > Paul
: >
: >
: > --
: > vpaulg
: > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
: > vpaulg's Profile:
: > View this thread:
: >
: >
: >

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