Cannot get web site



One web site will not open. I get the usual "The page
cannot be displayed". I have tried everything I can think
of. I put the site in a special "trusted sites", allowed
cookies, turned off my firewall. This sites is and watching the info it is directed to a
remote site.
This is the only one I cannot get. I used to be able to
do so. Could be an update issue. I can get this site with
another computer on my network though.


Renaming the "Hosts" file did the trick. This was really
a new one to me.
Thanks for your help.

George \(Bindar Dundat\)

Lee, it is still good to have a hosts file which is operating. What I recommend
is this;
Download a pre-made batch file from
I placed it in my Windows folder with a shortcut to the Favorites folder. That
keeps it right handy in Internet Explorer. That way I can run with HOSTS file
protection and for the occasional site that the HOSTS has to be bypassed it is a
simple click away.
George (Bindar Dundat)
This information is provided "AS IS"
It may even be wrong!
| Renaming the "Hosts" file did the trick. This was really
| a new one to me.
| Thanks for your help.
| >-----Original Message-----
| >It may be a HOSTS file problem.
| >Look also for a file named HOSTS (no extension, could be
| hidden) rename it
| >OLDHOSTS, reboot.
| >--
| >
| >Can you PING the site?
| >
| >Henri Leboeuf
| >Web page:
| >
| >
| >| >> One web site will not open. I get the usual "The page
| >> cannot be displayed". I have tried everything I can
| think
| >> of. I put the site in a special "trusted sites",
| allowed
| >> cookies, turned off my firewall. This sites is
| >> and watching the info it is directed to
| a
| >> remote site.
| >> This is the only one I cannot get. I used to be able to
| >> do so. Could be an update issue. I can get this site
| with
| >> another computer on my network though.
| >> Ideas?
| >
| >.
| >

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