Cannot get past Object Reference Error



I have a question about a problem I am having with attempting to port
some old ASP code to ASP.NET.

We have a dll out there which we downloaded which creates GUIDs for
session management. In ASP, the function looks like this:

Function getGuid()
Dim sessionDUID
Dim MyGuid = Server.CreateObject("GuidMakr.GUID")
Dim mySession = Replace(MyGuid.GetGUID, "{", "")
MyGuid = Nothing
mySession = Replace(mySession, "}", "")
getGUID = mySession
End Function

Kind of hokey, but it was written by someone else, and for my purposes
it works just fine. However, I want to use the same functionality in
an ASP.NET framework. I have this exact same function in a class, but
I have modified it a little:
Function getGuid()
Dim sessionDUID
Dim MyGuid As New Object
MyGuid = Server.CreateObject("GuidMakr.GUID")
Dim mySession = Replace(MyGuid.GetGUID, "{", "")
MyGuid = Nothing
mySession = Replace(mySession, "}", "")
getGUID = mySession
End Function

and it blows up on this line:
MyGuid = Server.CreateObject("GuidMakr.GUID")

with this error:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not
set to an instance of an object.

Can someone give me some guidance? I'd appreciate it, thank you.




First, I'd make the new version, return an actual type, not a
generic "object" (or variant as it used to be)

Function getGuid() as System.Guid

I'm not sure if you're trying to solve this generically, or if you want a
better way.

Function getGuid() as System.Guid
return new System.Guid.NewGuid()
End Function

Function GetFriendlyGuid as string
return new
end function

Try those

The Server.CreateObject was asp specific.

I would avoid this syntax in at all costs.

If you must use some backend COM object, add them via "Add Reference" and
declare and instantiate them explicitly.

dim abc as GuidMakr.GUID = new GuidMakr.GUID()

like that... (after adding the reference to the COM object)


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