Cannot fix Windows boot



Dell Inspiron notebook, Will not load to recovery console. It gets to the
point that it asks which OS to you want. I type 1, enter. There is hard
drive activity and then it stops. Will not do an install new or repair
because it will not get to the second instal screen. It stops when looking
for installed windows. Will not boot in safe or normal mode. Checked the
hard drive in another computer. It is very readable. Had some low risk
adware but no viruses. Still won't boot or repair. I am now running a
defrag. What else can I do? Thank you.


The Windows XP Home boots for a while and just as it should be going to the
welcome or desktop it stops hard drive activity and the screen stays bland.


could be a mechanical
issue with power distribution


your the power managment in
control panel is powering down
the harddisk....

since the hd works
fine in another pc and the data
can be read, then the only
thing left before considering
a mechanical failure of the p.s. is
to consider repairing the o.s.

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