cannot find 'file:/// make sure path or internet address is correc



Seems that a lot of people have this error message all of a sudden. How do I
get rid of it? I have an HP system running XP.


jerkles said:
Seems that a lot of people have this error message all of a sudden. How
do I
get rid of it? I have an HP system running XP.

A "lot of people"? Where? I haven't seen any posts about this error
recently. The error means that the file or network resource you are trying
to get to doesn't exist or you don't have access rights. You will have to
provide a lot more detail about your computer and what you are trying to do
in order to get focused help.

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Very poor answer. Regardless of what you have or haven't seen, I didn't say
it was posted on this site. Just google it and you will see plenty. Like
others, after booting up computer, the message appears. If you click "ok" it
goes away and you have no other problems. Just annoying that it keeps


jerkles said:
Very poor answer. Regardless of what you have or haven't seen, I didn't
it was posted on this site. Just google it and you will see plenty. Like
others, after booting up computer, the message appears. If you click "ok"
goes away and you have no other problems. Just annoying that it keeps

Couldn't give you a better answer because you didn't give enough details.
You still didn't so I can't help you. Hope you get your issue resolved.

EOT for me.


The Real Truth MVP

Your issue is a prime example of why good registry cleaners are needed.
Don't listen to the others who say registry cleaners are "snake oil". To fix
your issue automatically, download CCleaner from here install it and when you run it select the registry
icon on the left to clean your registry. Let it fix all but choose to backup
when prompted. Your problem should then be fixed.

The Real Truth
*WARNING* Do NOT follow any advice given by the people listed below.
They do NOT have the expertise or knowledge to fix your issue. Do not waste
your time.
David H Lipman, Malke, PA Bear, Beauregard T. Shagnasty, Leythos.


Very poor answer.  Regardless of what you have or haven't seen, I didn't say
it was posted on this site.  Just google it and you will see plenty.  Like
others, after booting up computer, the message appears.  If you click "ok" it
goes away and you have no other problems.  Just annoying that it keeps

Malke said:
jerkles wrote:
A "lot of people"? Where? I haven't seen any posts about this error
recently. The error means that the file or network resource you are trying
to get to doesn't exist or you don't have access rights. You will have to
provide a lot more detail about your computer and what you are trying to do
in order to get focused help.

You should run a good malware scan (as suggested in the Google search

Download, install, update and do a full scan with these three free
malware detection programs:

Malwarebytes (MBAM):
SUPERAntiSpyware: (SAS):

Is there no http in front of your error?

If you see it every time XP starts, start by looking in your Startup
options in MSCONFIG for something resembling your error. It is
probably not there, but at least check.

The Google results vary a little, but seem to point to
hpprintspool.exe and there are several search results that yield what
appear to be workable solutions (all about the same) involving a
little registry editing and such.

Basically, you find and remove the hpprintspool.exe file (may be
hidden) and search the registry for hpprintspool.exe and delete all
references (since the file does not exist after deleting).

Here is ONE link with a reasonable step by step at the bottom (I hate
Yahoo! Answers), but it is the best procedure.

Peter Foldes

Pure BS. Registry Cleaners create problems not fixes. You know this quite well


Thanks Jose. I already tried Malwarebytes and it didn't work which is why I
ended up here. I will try the other methods.
The error message box appears as this:
cannot find 'file:/// make sure the path or internet address is correct



Thanks Jose.  I already tried Malwarebytes and it didn't work which is why I
ended up here.  I will try the other methods.
The error message box appears as this:
cannot find 'file:/// make sure the path or internet address is correct

So did you chose not to run the other scanning tools?

Just because the scan MBAM didn't report anything doesn't mean there
is not a problem.

One scanning tool does not know about everything which is why I
suggested the three that seem to work well for me. I hoped you would
run all three, not just pick one and not the others.

Scanning tools can only find what they are programmed to find. If
MBAM didn't find it, I would suggest the others. They may not find
anything, but if you do not run them, we will always wonder what might
be found if you did run them.

Even if a scanning tool finds something and claims to have removed it,
the tool may not remove all traces of the affliction - sometimes you
have to do the rest by hand.

Did you not read the information in the link I sent and see if it
applies to your situation?

Do you have the hpprintspool.exe file/registry entries?

If you were to read some of the other Google results, a similar
situation may be resolved with the Avast! scanner. Since I have never
used it or had this problem, it is not on my preferred list, but I
could be persuaded to add it.

After checking MSCONFIG, you might want to look in your registry for
the offending entry:

On the right hand side, do you see the offending shortcut or
referenced file? If so, delete it

On the right hand side, do you see the offending shortcut or
referenced file? If so, delete it


jerkles wrote (on Sun, 14 Jun 2009 09:34:01 -0700):
Seems that a lot of people

Who? Where are all those reports? You are not "a lot of people".
have this error message

And that would be in WHAT program?
all of a sudden.

Oh? How long is "all of a sudden"?
How do I
get rid of it?

Get rid of "it" from WHERE? You never identified what you did and with
what program to generate this error message.
I have an HP system running XP.

You've identified an operating system. You have not identified the
PROGRAM under which this error is issued. Does this error actually
appear before you have loaded any programs, INCLUDING any programs you
added to the startup items (in the registry or Startup group)?


jerkles wrote (on Sun, 14 Jun 2009 12:55:01 -0700):
... after booting up computer, the message appears. If you click "ok" it
goes away and you have no other problems. Just annoying that it keeps

Oh, you mean those users of anti-malware products that find a pest on
their host, attempt to eradicate the pest, but are incomplete in their
cleanup so a startup item remains for the pest (that no longer exists
hence the notification of the absent file)?

Did you recently have your security software alert you of a pest and
then you tried using it to eradicate it from your host? If so,
sometimes the "cleanup" merely gets rid of the pest's files but may
leave behind startup items. These startup items will try to load a file
but that file doesn't exist anymore (it was eradicated). So Windows
pops up an alert that it cannot find the target (which is the file) for
the startup item.

There are many utilities to show you the startup items defined on your
host. Windows come with its own limited msconfig.exe utility that shows
some of the startup items. SysInternals has a better AutoRuns utility
that shows you all startup items. Check the startup items to find one
that points to a file (either as the executable file or a file
referenced as a parameter) that no longer exists.


The Real Truth MVP said:
Your issue is a prime example of why good registry cleaners are needed.
Don't listen to the others who say registry cleaners are "snake oil". To
fix your issue automatically, download CCleaner from here install it and when you run it select the
registry icon on the left to clean your registry. Let it fix all but
choose to backup when prompted. Your problem should then be fixed.


If you do you will have more problems than you started with.

The post is from a fake MVP (pcbutts1 - google it) who deliberately spreads

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