cannot find dll file




I've just rolled out an Access program to several users.

I used Mr. Lebans' mousewheel dll file to turn the mouse wheel off.

The database works perfect on my computer (both desk and laptop) as
well as locally and on the network.

However, when my user(s) click on the database (on the network) from
his/her computer an error occurs: Sorry...cannot find the MouseHook.dll

The system then says to please copy the dll file to the Windows System
folder or into the same folder as the mdb....

The dll file is sitting right next to the mdb.

Any thoughts?




I've just rolled out an Access program to several users.

I used Mr. Lebans' mousewheel dll file to turn the mouse wheel off.

The database works perfect on my computer (both desk and laptop) as
well as locally and on the network.

However, when my user(s) click on the database (on the network) from
his/her computer an error occurs: Sorry...cannot find the MouseHook.dll

The system then says to please copy the dll file to the Windows System
folder or into the same folder as the mdb....

The dll file is sitting right next to the mdb.

Any thoughts?


....just a quick note about my dll problem.

The dll appears to be registered or linked to me in some way.
I've gone to several other computers and logged on as myself...the
database works.
Others sitting beside me, hoever, receive the aforementioned error
plus receive a read only error.

Any help would be appreciated.


...just a quick note about my dll problem.

The dll appears to be registered or linked to me in some way.
I've gone to several other computers and logged on as myself...the
database works.
Others sitting beside me, hoever, receive the aforementioned error
plus receive a read only error.

Any help would be appreciated.- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Thank you to anyone who even read this string.

after much running around it appears that there might be some read/
write issues on the folder.
since i created it, i have access to both the dll and mdb file, while
others seem to only have access to the mdb.
i'll post again if it's not the problem...i didn't want anyone
researching on my behalf in case i solved the problem.
i appreciate everyone's help too much!

Stephen Lebans

I'd be very interested in the solution you find Alex.
Are you running WIndows server or Vista?


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.



I like to join this as I have a similar problem as Alex. I am using Access
2000, Windows 2000 Professional.

I have placed your MouseHook.dll next to my MDD, and I call blRet =
MouseWheelOFF(False) from a parent form load event. The module code line
hLib = LoadLibrary("MouseHook.dll") always returns a zero, and therefore I
always get the DLL file can't be found. Is there anything in the LoadLibrary
procedure that may cause an error unrelated to DLL not being found?

I like how your sample mdb works, but my MDB database gives me the
can't-find-DLL error. Does this have to do with me calling the MouseWheelOFF
from a parent form?

Stephen Lebans

Do you by chance have your MDB divided into a FE and BE? If so, th e DLL
would have to be in the same folder as the Front End.

Finally, from your comments, are you saying that the form in my sample MDB
does Stop/Start the MouseWheel successfully?


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.



Yes, the MDB unzipped from your sample works fine. I used the code from the
command buttons in your sample in form frmSampleData.

This is what I pasted at the very beginning of the load event for a form.

Dim blRet As Boolean
blRet = MouseWheelOFF(False)

I even moved the above code to a test command button to make sure that I was
not placing the code too soon in the sequence of form events.

For the modMouseHook module, I did not import; I created a new module in my
MDB and named it modMouseHook as the one in your sample MDB; then I pasted
the code from your unzipped MDB. Can this be a cause for problem?

The dll files is right next to my MDB. Is there anything I missed?

One more piece of information is that your DLL worked on my MDB the first
time. But my MDB got an error saying that it was not responding and it had
to be closed. I cliked the send report to Microsoft and the MDB closed.
After I re-opened my MDB, I have not been able to make it work.

More Information
I traced the program, and noticed that, in MouseWheelOFF, LoadLibrary
returns zero under both attempts to load the DLL. I do have the DLL next to
my MDB. That is why I wonder if the LoadLibrary("MouseHook.dll") function
correctly evaluates the success of loading the DLL. Wha if DLL is already
loaded? For Example, program crash leaves it loaded.

My subform is based on SQL string that I change programmatically based on
Parent form’s fields. Could this create a conflict with your DLL code?

I hope this information is useful; sorry for the super long message.



One more piece of info:

I just created a duplicate copy of my MDB, and opened the copy mdb, and your
DLL works on it. No modifications. Strange.

Stephen Lebans

As long as you got it to work. THat's what counts.


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.

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