Cannot edit text boxes in Word document.



My predecessor created the document I am using, and even though the text
boxes on the first page can be edited, past that they are all locked somehow.
I have checked the lock document settings and I cannot figure out how she
managed to do this. Any ideas are appreciated.


If you're certain taht the doc is _not_ protected (Tools>Protect/UnProtect) a
couple other possibilities are;

1- If the text in the boxes appears to be gray they are probably in the
Header?Footer 'layer' of the doc, or

2- They may have been pasted in as pictures rather than actual text boxes.

HTH |:>)


The document is definitely not protected, as least not under Tools>Protect.
The numbers are not part of the Header/Footer layer.

If they are pasted in as pictures, shouldn't I be able to click on them,
like I can with the other pictures in the same document? Or is there some way
to lock pictures?

Thanks for your help. :)

Dawn Crosier

You mentioned numbers. Do they run down the side of the page? If so,
check your page setup. On the layout tab, click the Line Numbers
button. If that is the culprit, then there will be check marks
enabling the feature.

If that is not the issue, then please describe more fully what you are
not able to click on.

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"

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