Cannot display Windows Update Page



When I go to Microsoft Windows Update (XP) I am getting this message:
"Cannot display the page"
"The page you are trying to view cannot be displayed because the
server it resides on does not respond. Please try again
I can go to Google and do a search for "Windows Update" and then open
Windows Update page and get my updates.
Thank you for your assistance!

Maurice N ~ MVP

Use Notepad or Wordpad and open & look at the Windows Update log file
C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log or C:\WINNT\WindowsUpdate.log

Scroll down all the way. Get / copy / paste back here the set of lines for
(today's ) the last session.


Maurice...I don't quite understand.....can you give me a few more details on
how to do this....and exactly what you are asking me to do......I will be
glad to do this.............THANKS A MILLION

Maurice N ~ MVP

From the Start menu, select RUN option, then type in

Open the log file as I mentioned. Scroll all the way down to get to the entries for the last session.
You are looking for entries marked "Error" such as 0x......... (where ....... are numbers)


Under Notepad>Windows Update I found all the following for 2005-05-15 and
If you look down the list you will find the following last session single
item that I copy and pasted here:
2005-05-16 09:32:43-0700 744 7cc DM: SetNotifyInterface failed with
Please note there are OTHER failed sessions with 0x________ errors below

Below is everything for the 15th and 16th of May
Waiting for your return response!
Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-05-15 15:23:27-0700 736 7f0 Using BatchFlushAge = 7962.
2005-05-15 15:23:27-0700 736 7f0 Using SamplingValue = 690.
2005-05-15 15:23:27-0700 736 7f0 Successfully loaded event namespace
2005-05-15 15:23:27-0700 736 7f0 Successfully loaded client event namespace
2005-05-15 15:23:27-0700 736 7f0 Successfully initialized local event
logger. Events will be logged at
2005-05-15 15:23:27-0700 736 7f0 Successfully initialized NT event logger.
2005-05-15 15:23:27-0700 736 7f0 Successfully initialized event uploader 0.
2005-05-15 15:23:27-0700 736 7f0 Successfully initialized event uploader 1.
2005-05-15 15:23:28-0700 736 7f0 WU client with version 5.4.3790.2182
successfully initialized
2005-05-15 15:23:28-0700 736 7f0 Service status is now SERVICE_RUNNING
2005-05-15 15:23:44-0700 736 2e4 Service received connect notification
2005-05-15 15:24:13-0700 736 7f0 start delayed initialization of WU client
2005-05-15 15:24:13-0700 2872 b3c Trying to make out of proc datastore
2005-05-15 15:24:14-0700 2872 b3c Out of proc datastore is now active
2005-05-15 15:24:14-0700 736 7f0 Client Call Recorder finished delayed
2005-05-15 15:24:14-0700 736 7f0 AU is disabled, not initializing any
2005-05-15 15:24:14-0700 736 7f0 AU finished delayed initialization
2005-05-15 15:29:14-0700 2872 b3c Out of proc datastore is shutting down
2005-05-15 15:29:16-0700 2872 b3c Out of proc datastore is now inactive
2005-05-15 15:33:29-0700 736 7f0 Cleared the proxy cache.
2005-05-15 15:42:57-0700 736 7f0 Cleared the proxy cache.
2005-05-15 16:44:12-0700 736 2e4 Service got power suspend event
2005-05-15 19:21:36-0700 736 2e4 Service got power resume event 0x12
2005-05-15 19:21:36-0700 736 2e4 Service got power resume event 0x7
2005-05-15 19:59:38-0700 736 7f0 Cleared the proxy cache.
2005-05-15 20:02:49-0700 736 7f0 Cleared the proxy cache.
2005-05-15 20:03:19-0700 736 2e4 Service got power suspend event
2005-05-15 21:06:46-0700 736 2e4 Service got power resume event 0x12
2005-05-15 21:06:47-0700 736 2e4 Service got power resume event 0x7
2005-05-15 21:07:25-0700 736 7f0 Cleared the proxy cache.
2005-05-15 21:09:17-0700 736 7f0 Cleared the proxy cache.
2005-05-15 21:09:20-0700 736 2e4 Service got power suspend event
2005-05-15 21:42:58-0700 736 2e4 Service got power resume event 0x12
2005-05-15 21:42:59-0700 736 2e4 Service got power resume event 0x7
2005-05-15 21:43:44-0700 736 7f0 Cleared the proxy cache.
2005-05-15 22:52:02-0700 3072 820 Trying to make out of proc datastore
2005-05-15 22:52:03-0700 3072 820 Out of proc datastore is now active
2005-05-15 22:52:03-0700 736 9dc WU client succeeds
2005-05-15 22:52:08-0700 736 fe4 WU client succeeds
2005-05-15 22:52:26-0700 1112 740 Checking for different Redirector at:
2005-05-15 22:52:27-0700 1112 740 WinInet: Server file is not newer.
Skipping download.
2005-05-15 22:52:27-0700 1112 740 Successfully refreshed Redirector cab.
2005-05-15 22:52:27-0700 1112 740 WinInet: Server file is not newer.
Skipping download.
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 WinInet: Download speed is 7759 bytes/sec
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 WinInet: Successfully downloaded to
file C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\WebSetup\
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Loading inf file
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Section name: cdm: Index: 0
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Section name: iuengine: Index: 1
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Section name: wuapi: Index: 2
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Section name: wuauclt: Index: 3
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Section name: wuauclt1: Index: 4
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Section name: wuaucpl: Index: 5
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Section name: wuaueng_WebSetup: Index: 6
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Section name: wuaueng1: Index: 7
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Section name: wuauserv_WebSetup: Index: 8
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Section name: wucltui: Index: 9
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Section name: wups: Index: 10
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Section name: winhttp: Index: 11
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\cdm.dll is: 5,5,3790,2182
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\cdm.dll:
Target version: 5.5.3790.2182 Required: 5.5.3790.2182
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\iuengine.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\iuengine.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuapi.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuapi.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuauclt.exe is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuauclt.exe:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuauclt1.exe is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuauclt1.exe:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuaucpl.cpl is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuaucpl.cpl:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuaueng.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuaueng.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuaueng1.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuaueng1.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wucltui.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wucltui.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wups.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-15 22:52:31-0700 1112 740 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wups.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 22:52:58-0700 736 fe4 WU client succeeds
CClientCallRecorder::BeginFindUpdates from WindowsUpdate with call id
2005-05-15 22:52:58-0700 736 a58 WU client executing call
{1B3E8581-9802-427E-AE45-A6D83DF2E4DE} of type Search Call
2005-05-15 22:53:01-0700 736 a58 PT: Using serverID
2005-05-15 22:53:01-0700 736 a58 PT: Using server URL
2005-05-15 22:53:02-0700 736 a58 Add header for accept-encoding: xpress
2005-05-15 22:53:05-0700 736 a58 DetectCompressionType returning type 1,
2005-05-15 22:53:29-0700 736 a58 Add header for accept-encoding: xpress
2005-05-15 22:53:33-0700 736 a58 DetectCompressionType returning type 1,
2005-05-15 22:53:43-0700 736 a58 Add header for accept-encoding: xpress
2005-05-15 22:53:48-0700 736 a58 DetectCompressionType returning type 1,
2005-05-15 22:53:50-0700 736 a58 Add header for accept-encoding: xpress
2005-05-15 22:54:05-0700 736 a58 DetectCompressionType returning type 1,
2005-05-15 22:54:10-0700 736 a58 PT: Using serverID
2005-05-15 22:54:10-0700 736 a58 PT: Using server URL
2005-05-15 22:54:10-0700 736 a58 Add header for accept-encoding: xpress
2005-05-15 22:54:13-0700 736 a58 DetectCompressionType returning type 1,
2005-05-15 22:54:15-0700 736 a58 Agent state changed, signalling AU to
redetect with NO delay
2005-05-15 22:54:15-0700 736 a58 update
{0F96FD55-558F-48FC-B0C0-25A5EF794B7E}.100 is pruned out due to potential
2005-05-15 22:54:15-0700 736 a58 WU client add update
{76BAACDD-634F-487D-AC52-33CD061B49E7}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 22:54:15-0700 736 a58 update
{8FDC9B52-44B3-414A-8640-CEFBCB29E708}.100 is pruned out due to potential
2005-05-15 22:54:15-0700 736 a58 update
{ABC144E5-0D7D-491D-A9F2-5062C9E75FDC}.100 is pruned out due to potential
2005-05-15 22:54:15-0700 736 a58 update
{E53654A0-CBE7-48AC-88C1-466F9DAABC0D}.100 is pruned out due to potential
2005-05-15 22:54:15-0700 736 a58 update
{7FADA317-AB6C-4A4B-BE69-251596F70E8D}.100 is pruned out due to potential
2005-05-15 22:54:15-0700 736 a58 update
{FF6F05E7-3F3F-415B-80FB-789BB3AB84D3}.100 is pruned out due to potential
2005-05-15 22:54:15-0700 736 a58 update
{F6776633-813D-495F-B209-EC50D86BB94C}.100 is pruned out due to potential
2005-05-15 22:54:15-0700 736 a58 update
{2D97704A-A1DD-4314-8DE2-F2D3CB59CC80}.100 is pruned out due to potential
2005-05-15 22:54:15-0700 736 a58 WU client add update
{29CD5713-89A2-498B-A23F-F8BBAB1AEC65}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 DeviceStatus: 0x180200a,
DeviceProblemNumber: 00000000
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 WU client add update
{82826096-284B-4930-BAFC-27C4BA92E6B5}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 update
{9DC6F90B-3F88-47F7-A16F-3E316CC0979A}.102 is pruned out due to potential
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 update
{845E778D-9BF5-4C16-AAE6-FD97605ED3E5}.102 is pruned out due to potential
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 WU client add update
{2DFE422E-1679-4B41-8525-7DF62B50B366}.102 to search result
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 WU client add update
{F6EE8217-38C2-4490-ADD5-EF9E514544BF}.103 to search result
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 WU client add update
{DC269C30-C343-4BBB-AEE5-2B05F1FA1ED4}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 WU client add update
{2522F46F-D77E-4C42-A0D0-BAE21793D11D}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 WU client add update
{3CC799B2-35E1-4AD7-962E-DBE9462FCDD6}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 WU client add update
{FAA4E626-ED18-4ACA-B2B3-D9711543C05F}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 update
{7477AF62-8F9B-4F32-9DAF-7AB452E52396}.124 is pruned out due to potential
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 update
{0202FD54-00B3-4E37-A5FB-E2A34C294780}.100 is pruned out due to potential
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 WU client add update
{19813D2E-0144-43CA-AEBB-71263DFD81FD}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 WU client found 10 updates and 10
categories in search
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 OS Version = 5.1.2600.1.0.66304
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 Computer Brand = System Manufacturer
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 Computer Model = System Name
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 Bios Revision = ASUS A7V ACPI BIOS
Revision 1005C
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 Bios Name = Award Medallion BIOS v6.0
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 Bios Release Date = 2001-01-08T00:00:00
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 Locale ID = 1033
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 ClientVersion: iuengine.dll =
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 ClientVersion: wuapi.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 ClientVersion: wuauclt.exe = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 ClientVersion: wuauclt1.exe =
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 ClientVersion: wuaucpl.cpl = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 ClientVersion: wuaueng.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 ClientVersion: wuaueng1.dll =
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 ClientVersion: wuauserv.dll =
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 ClientVersion: wucltui.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 WU client finished Searching for update
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 WU client calls back to search call
WindowsUpdate with code Call complete and error 0
2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 736 a58 WU client completed and deleted call
2005-05-15 22:54:21-0700 736 a58 REPORT EVENT:
{770F9B26-9F45-43A0-A5A0-7CC1FAA102DC} 186 2005-05-15 22:54:16-0700 1 147
101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 WindowsUpdate Success
Software Synchronization Agent has finished detecting items.
2005-05-15 22:54:21-0700 736 a58 Reopened existing event cache file at
6F5E}.bin for writing.
2005-05-15 22:54:21-0700 736 a58 Reopened existing event cache file at
4DDC}.bin for writing.
2005-05-15 22:56:49-0700 736 2fc WU client executing call
{BF378D74-9D25-4A7C-BE6E-B68802E4F4FB} of type Download Call
2005-05-15 22:56:49-0700 736 5d0 WU client persisted 1 download calls
2005-05-15 22:56:49-0700 736 5d0 WU client succeeds CClientCallRecorder::Be
ginDownloadUpdates from WindowsUpdate with call id
2005-05-15 22:56:49-0700 736 2fc Dumping out update 1 of 1
2005-05-15 22:56:49-0700 736 2fc title = Security Update for Windows XP
2005-05-15 22:56:49-0700 736 2fc dumping updateId
{2522F46F-D77E-4C42-A0D0-BAE21793D11D}.100 bundling 1 updates
2005-05-15 22:56:49-0700 736 2fc bundled update No. 1 is
2005-05-15 22:56:49-0700 736 2fc CheckIfDirExists returned error
2005-05-15 22:56:49-0700 736 2fc CheckIfDirExists returned error
2005-05-15 22:56:50-0700 736 2fc Downloading from
6e26b2\WindowsXP-KB893066-x86-express-ENU.exe (full file).
2005-05-15 22:58:14-0700 736 750 Download job for update
{4952F3A3-BFAE-253A-7EC2-BE73E1868FC9}, revision 100 completed successfully.
2005-05-15 22:58:14-0700 736 750 Successfully downloaded file from
2005-05-15 22:58:14-0700 736 2fc WU client calls back to download call
{BF378D74-9D25-4A7C-BE6E-B68802E4F4FB} with code Call progress and error 0
2005-05-15 22:58:21-0700 736 750 Downloading from
6e26b2\download\WindowsXP-KB893066-x86-ENU.psf.blob (3 subranges).
2005-05-15 22:58:21-0700 736 2fc WU client calls back to download call
{BF378D74-9D25-4A7C-BE6E-B68802E4F4FB} with code Call progress and error 0
2005-05-15 22:58:21-0700 736 2fc WU client calls back to download call
{BF378D74-9D25-4A7C-BE6E-B68802E4F4FB} with code Call progress and error 0
2005-05-15 22:59:20-0700 736 dcc Download job for update
{4952F3A3-BFAE-253A-7EC2-BE73E1868FC9}, revision 100 completed successfully.
2005-05-15 22:59:20-0700 736 dcc Successfully downloaded file from
2005-05-15 22:59:20-0700 736 a58 WU client calls back to download call
{BF378D74-9D25-4A7C-BE6E-B68802E4F4FB} with code Call progress and error 0
2005-05-15 22:59:22-0700 736 dcc WU client persisted 1 download calls
2005-05-15 22:59:22-0700 736 dcc WU client persisted 1 download calls
2005-05-15 22:59:22-0700 736 a58 WU client calls back to download call
{BF378D74-9D25-4A7C-BE6E-B68802E4F4FB} with code Call complete and error 0
2005-05-15 22:59:22-0700 736 a58 WU client completed and deleted call
2005-05-15 22:59:23-0700 736 a58 WU client persisted 0 download calls
2005-05-15 22:59:23-0700 736 fe4 ISusInternal API failed
CClientCallRecorder::DisconnectCall with error 0x8024000c
2005-05-15 22:59:23-0700 1112 740 ISusInternal::DisconnectCall failed,
2005-05-15 22:59:23-0700 736 5d0 WU client succeeds
CClientCallRecorder::BeginInstallUpdates from WindowsUpdate with call id
2005-05-15 22:59:23-0700 736 a58 WU client executing call
{7CAAC8CE-F561-4123-91BB-8B11451D5CE1} of type Install call
2005-05-15 22:59:23-0700 736 a58 validate updates before Install
2005-05-15 22:59:25-0700 736 a58 prune update list before Install
2005-05-15 22:59:25-0700 736 a58 setting system restore point
2005-05-15 22:59:27-0700 736 2fc REPORT EVENT:
{F5A5A39E-C93A-4204-B10A-1255084ACBC5} 187 2005-05-15 22:59:22-0700 1 162
101 {2522F46F-D77E-4C42-A0D0-BAE21793D11D} 100 0 WindowsUpdate Success
Content Download Download succeeded.
2005-05-15 22:59:27-0700 736 2fc REPORT EVENT:
{FBB42ADC-BF78-4260-B0AD-95C0FBC75E8A} 188 2005-05-15 22:59:22-0700 1 162
101 {4952F3A3-BFAE-253A-7EC2-BE73E1868FC9} 100 0 WindowsUpdate Success
Content Download Download succeeded.
2005-05-15 22:59:28-0700 736 2fc WU client calls back to install call
{7CAAC8CE-F561-4123-91BB-8B11451D5CE1} with code Call progress and error 0
2005-05-15 22:59:29-0700 736 a58 WU client starts install in user context
2005-05-15 22:59:29-0700 736 a58 WU client is installing update
2005-05-15 22:59:47-0700 736 a58 WU client finishes installing update
{4952F3A3-BFAE-253A-7EC2-BE73E1868FC9}.100 with result 0
2005-05-15 22:59:48-0700 736 a58 system restore point set
2005-05-15 22:59:48-0700 736 a58 Agent state changed, signalling AU to
redetect with NO delay
2005-05-15 22:59:48-0700 736 a58 WU client now has reboot status 1
2005-05-15 22:59:48-0700 736 a58 WU client finished installing updates
2005-05-15 22:59:48-0700 736 a58 WU client calls back to install call
{7CAAC8CE-F561-4123-91BB-8B11451D5CE1} with code Call complete and error 0
2005-05-15 22:59:48-0700 736 a58 WU client completed and deleted call
2005-05-15 22:59:48-0700 736 5d0 ISusInternal API failed
CClientCallRecorder::DisconnectCall with error 0x8024000c
2005-05-15 22:59:48-0700 1112 740 ISusInternal::DisconnectCall failed,
2005-05-15 22:59:52-0700 736 a58 REPORT EVENT:
{F67DC1AF-9194-4500-B69F-34F743254795} 189 2005-05-15 22:59:47-0700 1 184
101 {2522F46F-D77E-4C42-A0D0-BAE21793D11D} 100 0 WindowsUpdate Success
Content Install Installation successful and restart required for the
following update: Security Update for Windows XP (KB893066)
2005-05-15 22:59:52-0700 736 a58 REPORT EVENT:
{976E4C9D-F445-4509-93F7-35CE0103186D} 190 2005-05-15 22:59:47-0700 1 184
101 {4952F3A3-BFAE-253A-7EC2-BE73E1868FC9} 100 0 WindowsUpdate Success
Content Install Installation successful and restart required for the
following update: Security Update for Windows XP (KB893066)
2005-05-15 23:02:18-0700 736 2e4 Service received logoff notification
2005-05-15 23:02:24-0700 736 7f0 Cleared the proxy cache.
2005-05-15 23:02:30-0700 736 2e4 Service received SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN
2005-05-15 23:02:30-0700 736 7f0 Exiting Service Main
2005-05-15 23:02:30-0700 736 7f0 DM: SetNotifyInterface failed with
2005-05-15 23:03:41-0700 744 7a4 Service Main starts
2005-05-15 23:03:41-0700 744 7a4 Using BatchFlushAge = 7962.
2005-05-15 23:03:41-0700 744 7a4 Using SamplingValue = 690.
2005-05-15 23:03:41-0700 744 7a4 Successfully loaded event namespace
2005-05-15 23:03:41-0700 744 7a4 Successfully loaded client event namespace
2005-05-15 23:03:41-0700 744 7a4 Successfully initialized local event
logger. Events will be logged at
2005-05-15 23:03:41-0700 744 7a4 Successfully initialized NT event logger.
2005-05-15 23:03:41-0700 744 7a4 Successfully initialized event uploader 0.
2005-05-15 23:03:41-0700 744 7a4 Reopened existing event cache file at
4DDC}.bin for writing.
2005-05-15 23:03:41-0700 744 7a4 Successfully initialized event uploader 1.
2005-05-15 23:03:41-0700 744 7a4 WU client with version 5.4.3790.2182
successfully initialized
2005-05-15 23:03:41-0700 744 7a4 Service status is now SERVICE_RUNNING
2005-05-15 23:03:54-0700 744 2ec Service received connect notification
2005-05-15 23:04:26-0700 744 7a4 start delayed initialization of WU client
2005-05-15 23:04:28-0700 2776 adc Trying to make out of proc datastore
2005-05-15 23:04:30-0700 2776 adc Out of proc datastore is now active
2005-05-15 23:04:30-0700 744 7a4 Client Call Recorder finished delayed
2005-05-15 23:04:31-0700 744 7a4 AU is disabled, not initializing any
2005-05-15 23:04:31-0700 744 7a4 AU finished delayed initialization
2005-05-15 23:04:45-0700 744 7a4 Cleared the proxy cache.
2005-05-15 23:09:31-0700 2776 adc Out of proc datastore is shutting down
2005-05-15 23:09:32-0700 2776 adc Out of proc datastore is now inactive
2005-05-15 23:20:33-0700 1968 7ac Trying to make out of proc datastore
2005-05-15 23:20:34-0700 1968 7ac Out of proc datastore is now active
2005-05-15 23:20:34-0700 744 508 WU client succeeds
2005-05-15 23:20:39-0700 744 508 WU client succeeds
2005-05-15 23:20:56-0700 812 350 Checking for different Redirector at:
2005-05-15 23:20:57-0700 812 350 WinInet: Server file is not newer.
Skipping download.
2005-05-15 23:20:57-0700 812 350 Successfully refreshed Redirector cab.
2005-05-15 23:20:57-0700 812 350 WinInet: Server file is not newer.
Skipping download.
2005-05-15 23:21:00-0700 812 350 WinInet: Download speed is 7825 bytes/sec
2005-05-15 23:21:00-0700 812 350 WinInet: Successfully downloaded to
file C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\WebSetup\
2005-05-15 23:21:00-0700 812 350 Loading inf file
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Section name: cdm: Index: 0
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Section name: iuengine: Index: 1
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Section name: wuapi: Index: 2
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Section name: wuauclt: Index: 3
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Section name: wuauclt1: Index: 4
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Section name: wuaucpl: Index: 5
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Section name: wuaueng_WebSetup: Index: 6
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Section name: wuaueng1: Index: 7
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Section name: wuauserv_WebSetup: Index: 8
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Section name: wucltui: Index: 9
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Section name: wups: Index: 10
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Section name: winhttp: Index: 11
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\cdm.dll is: 5,5,3790,2182
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\cdm.dll:
Target version: 5.5.3790.2182 Required: 5.5.3790.2182
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\iuengine.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\iuengine.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuapi.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuapi.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuauclt.exe is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuauclt.exe:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuauclt1.exe is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuauclt1.exe:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuaucpl.cpl is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuaucpl.cpl:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuaueng.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuaueng.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuaueng1.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuaueng1.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wucltui.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wucltui.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wups.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-15 23:21:01-0700 812 350 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wups.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 23:22:18-0700 744 508 WU client succeeds
CClientCallRecorder::BeginFindUpdates from WindowsUpdate with call id
2005-05-15 23:22:18-0700 744 588 WU client executing call
{FA1B5595-5531-4F39-8A7F-ABA0F748632C} of type Search Call
2005-05-15 23:22:22-0700 744 588 PT: Using serverID
2005-05-15 23:22:22-0700 744 588 PT: Using server URL
2005-05-15 23:22:37-0700 744 588 Add header for accept-encoding: xpress
2005-05-15 23:22:42-0700 744 588 DetectCompressionType returning type 1,
2005-05-15 23:22:43-0700 744 588 Add header for accept-encoding: xpress
2005-05-15 23:22:59-0700 744 588 DetectCompressionType returning type 1,
2005-05-15 23:23:00-0700 744 588 PT: Using serverID
2005-05-15 23:23:00-0700 744 588 PT: Using server URL
2005-05-15 23:23:00-0700 744 588 Add header for accept-encoding: xpress
2005-05-15 23:23:01-0700 744 588 DetectCompressionType returning type 1,
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 update
{0F96FD55-558F-48FC-B0C0-25A5EF794B7E}.100 is pruned out due to potential
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 WU client add update
{76BAACDD-634F-487D-AC52-33CD061B49E7}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 update
{8FDC9B52-44B3-414A-8640-CEFBCB29E708}.100 is pruned out due to potential
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 update
{ABC144E5-0D7D-491D-A9F2-5062C9E75FDC}.100 is pruned out due to potential
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 update
{E53654A0-CBE7-48AC-88C1-466F9DAABC0D}.100 is pruned out due to potential
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 update
{7FADA317-AB6C-4A4B-BE69-251596F70E8D}.100 is pruned out due to potential
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 update
{FF6F05E7-3F3F-415B-80FB-789BB3AB84D3}.100 is pruned out due to potential
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 update
{F6776633-813D-495F-B209-EC50D86BB94C}.100 is pruned out due to potential
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 update
{2D97704A-A1DD-4314-8DE2-F2D3CB59CC80}.100 is pruned out due to potential
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 WU client add update
{29CD5713-89A2-498B-A23F-F8BBAB1AEC65}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 DeviceStatus: 0x180200a,
DeviceProblemNumber: 00000000
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 WU client add update
{82826096-284B-4930-BAFC-27C4BA92E6B5}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 update
{9DC6F90B-3F88-47F7-A16F-3E316CC0979A}.102 is pruned out due to potential
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 update
{845E778D-9BF5-4C16-AAE6-FD97605ED3E5}.102 is pruned out due to potential
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 WU client add update
{2DFE422E-1679-4B41-8525-7DF62B50B366}.102 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 WU client add update
{F6EE8217-38C2-4490-ADD5-EF9E514544BF}.103 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 WU client add update
{DC269C30-C343-4BBB-AEE5-2B05F1FA1ED4}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 WU client add update
{3CC799B2-35E1-4AD7-962E-DBE9462FCDD6}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 WU client add update
{FAA4E626-ED18-4ACA-B2B3-D9711543C05F}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 WU client add update
{7477AF62-8F9B-4F32-9DAF-7AB452E52396}.124 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 update
{0202FD54-00B3-4E37-A5FB-E2A34C294780}.100 is pruned out due to potential
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 WU client add update
{19813D2E-0144-43CA-AEBB-71263DFD81FD}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 WU client found 10 updates and 10
categories in search
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 OS Version = 5.1.2600.1.0.66304
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 Computer Brand = System Manufacturer
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 Computer Model = System Name
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 Bios Revision = ASUS A7V ACPI BIOS
Revision 1005C
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 Bios Name = Award Medallion BIOS v6.0
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 Bios Release Date = 2001-01-08T00:00:00
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 Locale ID = 1033
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 ClientVersion: iuengine.dll =
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 ClientVersion: wuapi.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 ClientVersion: wuauclt.exe = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 ClientVersion: wuauclt1.exe =
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 ClientVersion: wuaucpl.cpl = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 ClientVersion: wuaueng.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 ClientVersion: wuaueng1.dll =
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 ClientVersion: wuauserv.dll =
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 ClientVersion: wucltui.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 WU client finished Searching for update
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 WU client calls back to search call
WindowsUpdate with code Call complete and error 0
2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 744 588 WU client completed and deleted call
2005-05-15 23:23:07-0700 744 b2c REPORT EVENT:
{86072859-4BED-4596-83B7-020AAFB94FBB} 191 2005-05-15 23:23:02-0700 1 147
101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 WindowsUpdate Success
Software Synchronization Agent has finished detecting items.
2005-05-15 23:23:07-0700 744 b2c Reopened existing event cache file at
6F5E}.bin for writing.
2005-05-15 23:23:26-0700 744 9dc WU client succeeds
CClientCallRecorder::BeginFindUpdates from WindowsUpdate with call id
2005-05-15 23:23:26-0700 744 b2c WU client executing call
{0E6C03C3-A4C2-4914-B7AB-6AB8578454CA} of type Search Call
2005-05-15 23:23:27-0700 744 b2c PT: Using serverID
2005-05-15 23:23:27-0700 744 b2c PT: Using server URL
2005-05-15 23:23:27-0700 744 508 ISusInternal API failed
CClientCallRecorder::DisconnectCall with error 0x8024000c
2005-05-15 23:23:27-0700 812 350 ISusInternal::DisconnectCall failed,
2005-05-15 23:23:29-0700 744 b2c Add header for accept-encoding: xpress
2005-05-15 23:23:33-0700 744 b2c DetectCompressionType returning type 1,
2005-05-15 23:23:34-0700 744 b2c Add header for accept-encoding: xpress
2005-05-15 23:23:50-0700 744 b2c DetectCompressionType returning type 1,
2005-05-15 23:23:51-0700 744 b2c PT: Using serverID
2005-05-15 23:23:51-0700 744 b2c PT: Using server URL
2005-05-15 23:23:51-0700 744 b2c Add header for accept-encoding: xpress
2005-05-15 23:23:52-0700 744 b2c DetectCompressionType returning type 1,
2005-05-15 23:23:53-0700 744 b2c WU client add update
{0F96FD55-558F-48FC-B0C0-25A5EF794B7E}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:53-0700 744 b2c WU client add update
{76BAACDD-634F-487D-AC52-33CD061B49E7}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:53-0700 744 b2c WU client add update
{8FDC9B52-44B3-414A-8640-CEFBCB29E708}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:53-0700 744 b2c WU client add update
{ABC144E5-0D7D-491D-A9F2-5062C9E75FDC}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:53-0700 744 b2c WU client add update
{E53654A0-CBE7-48AC-88C1-466F9DAABC0D}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:53-0700 744 b2c WU client add update
{7FADA317-AB6C-4A4B-BE69-251596F70E8D}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:53-0700 744 b2c WU client add update
{FF6F05E7-3F3F-415B-80FB-789BB3AB84D3}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:53-0700 744 b2c WU client add update
{F6776633-813D-495F-B209-EC50D86BB94C}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:53-0700 744 b2c WU client add update
{2D97704A-A1DD-4314-8DE2-F2D3CB59CC80}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:53-0700 744 b2c WU client add update
{29CD5713-89A2-498B-A23F-F8BBAB1AEC65}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:53-0700 744 b2c DeviceStatus: 0x180200a,
DeviceProblemNumber: 00000000
2005-05-15 23:23:53-0700 744 b2c WU client add update
{82826096-284B-4930-BAFC-27C4BA92E6B5}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:53-0700 744 b2c WU client add update
{9DC6F90B-3F88-47F7-A16F-3E316CC0979A}.102 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:53-0700 744 b2c WU client add update
{845E778D-9BF5-4C16-AAE6-FD97605ED3E5}.102 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:53-0700 744 b2c WU client add update
{2DFE422E-1679-4B41-8525-7DF62B50B366}.102 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:53-0700 744 b2c WU client add update
{F6EE8217-38C2-4490-ADD5-EF9E514544BF}.103 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:53-0700 744 b2c WU client add update
{DC269C30-C343-4BBB-AEE5-2B05F1FA1ED4}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:53-0700 744 b2c WU client add update
{3CC799B2-35E1-4AD7-962E-DBE9462FCDD6}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:53-0700 744 b2c WU client add update
{FAA4E626-ED18-4ACA-B2B3-D9711543C05F}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:53-0700 744 b2c WU client add update
{7477AF62-8F9B-4F32-9DAF-7AB452E52396}.124 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:53-0700 744 b2c WU client add update
{0202FD54-00B3-4E37-A5FB-E2A34C294780}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:53-0700 744 b2c WU client add update
{19813D2E-0144-43CA-AEBB-71263DFD81FD}.100 to search result
2005-05-15 23:23:53-0700 744 b2c WU client found 21 updates and 10
categories in search
2005-05-15 23:23:53-0700 744 b2c WU client finished Searching for update
2005-05-15 23:23:53-0700 744 b2c WU client calls back to search call
WindowsUpdate with code Call complete and error 0
2005-05-15 23:23:53-0700 744 b2c WU client completed and deleted call
2005-05-15 23:23:58-0700 744 b2c REPORT EVENT:
{7FD016F8-CC5C-46AE-9176-7A7D1F56CD20} 192 2005-05-15 23:23:53-0700 1 147
101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 WindowsUpdate Success
Software Synchronization Agent has finished detecting items.
2005-05-15 23:28:53-0700 1968 7ac Out of proc datastore is shutting down
2005-05-15 23:28:55-0700 1968 7ac Out of proc datastore is now inactive
2005-05-15 23:28:56-0700 600 cfc Trying to make out of proc datastore
2005-05-15 23:28:57-0700 600 cfc Out of proc datastore is now active
2005-05-15 23:28:57-0700 744 508 WU client succeeds
2005-05-15 23:29:02-0700 744 6d0 WU client succeeds
2005-05-15 23:29:18-0700 812 c18 Checking for different Redirector at:
2005-05-15 23:29:19-0700 812 c18 WinInet: Server file is not newer.
Skipping download.
2005-05-15 23:29:19-0700 812 c18 Successfully refreshed Redirector cab.
2005-05-15 23:29:19-0700 812 c18 WinInet: Server file is not newer.
Skipping download.
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 WinInet: Download speed is 7920 bytes/sec
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 WinInet: Successfully downloaded to
file C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\WebSetup\
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Loading inf file
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Section name: cdm: Index: 0
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Section name: iuengine: Index: 1
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Section name: wuapi: Index: 2
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Section name: wuauclt: Index: 3
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Section name: wuauclt1: Index: 4
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Section name: wuaucpl: Index: 5
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Section name: wuaueng_WebSetup: Index: 6
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Section name: wuaueng1: Index: 7
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Section name: wuauserv_WebSetup: Index: 8
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Section name: wucltui: Index: 9
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Section name: wups: Index: 10
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Section name: winhttp: Index: 11
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\cdm.dll is: 5,5,3790,2182
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\cdm.dll:
Target version: 5.5.3790.2182 Required: 5.5.3790.2182
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\iuengine.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\iuengine.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuapi.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuapi.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuauclt.exe is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuauclt.exe:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuauclt1.exe is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuauclt1.exe:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuaucpl.cpl is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuaucpl.cpl:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuaueng.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuaueng.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuaueng1.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuaueng1.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wucltui.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wucltui.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wups.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-15 23:29:22-0700 812 c18 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wups.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-15 23:34:02-0700 600 cfc Out of proc datastore is shutting down
2005-05-15 23:34:03-0700 600 cfc Out of proc datastore is now inactive
2005-05-16 00:25:19-0700 744 7a4 Cleared the proxy cache.
2005-05-16 00:25:22-0700 744 9dc ISusInternal API failed
CClientCallRecorder::DisconnectCall with error 0x8024000c
2005-05-16 00:25:22-0700 812 350 ISusInternal::DisconnectCall failed,
2005-05-16 00:25:45-0700 744 2ec Service received logoff notification
2005-05-16 00:25:50-0700 744 2ec Service received SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN
2005-05-16 00:25:50-0700 744 7a4 Exiting Service Main
2005-05-16 00:25:50-0700 744 7a4 DM: SetNotifyInterface failed with
2005-05-16 08:07:29-0700 744 7cc Service Main starts
2005-05-16 08:07:29-0700 744 7cc Using BatchFlushAge = 7962.
2005-05-16 08:07:29-0700 744 7cc Using SamplingValue = 690.
2005-05-16 08:07:29-0700 744 7cc Successfully loaded event namespace
2005-05-16 08:07:29-0700 744 7cc Successfully loaded client event namespace
2005-05-16 08:07:29-0700 744 7cc Successfully initialized local event
logger. Events will be logged at
2005-05-16 08:07:29-0700 744 7cc Successfully initialized NT event logger.
2005-05-16 08:07:29-0700 744 7cc Successfully initialized event uploader 0.
2005-05-16 08:07:29-0700 744 7cc Reopened existing event cache file at
4DDC}.bin for writing.
2005-05-16 08:07:29-0700 744 7cc Successfully initialized event uploader 1.
2005-05-16 08:07:29-0700 744 7cc WU client with version 5.4.3790.2182
successfully initialized
2005-05-16 08:07:29-0700 744 7cc Service status is now SERVICE_RUNNING
2005-05-16 08:07:44-0700 744 2ec Service received connect notification
2005-05-16 08:08:14-0700 744 7cc start delayed initialization of WU client
2005-05-16 08:08:15-0700 2852 b28 Trying to make out of proc datastore
2005-05-16 08:08:16-0700 2852 b28 Out of proc datastore is now active
2005-05-16 08:08:16-0700 744 7cc Client Call Recorder finished delayed
2005-05-16 08:08:16-0700 744 7cc AU is disabled, not initializing any
2005-05-16 08:08:16-0700 744 7cc AU finished delayed initialization
2005-05-16 08:09:28-0700 744 7cc Cleared the proxy cache.
2005-05-16 08:09:28-0700 744 b6c Successfully opened event cache file at
4DDC}.bin for reading.
2005-05-16 08:09:28-0700 744 b6c PT: Using serverID
2005-05-16 08:09:28-0700 744 b6c PT: Using server URL
2005-05-16 08:09:28-0700 744 b6c PT: Using serverID
2005-05-16 08:09:28-0700 744 b6c PT: Using server URL
2005-05-16 08:09:28-0700 744 b6c URL for server is
2005-05-16 08:09:28-0700 744 b6c Trying to upload 3 events using cached
2005-05-16 08:09:31-0700 744 b6c DetectCompressionType returning type 0,
2005-05-16 08:09:31-0700 744 b6c Successfully uploaded 3 events.
2005-05-16 08:09:31-0700 744 b6c Deleted event cache file at
2005-05-16 08:14:29-0700 2852 b28 Out of proc datastore is shutting down
2005-05-16 08:14:30-0700 2852 b28 Out of proc datastore is now inactive
2005-05-16 08:31:54-0700 744 7cc Cleared the proxy cache.
2005-05-16 08:51:11-0700 744 2ec Service got power suspend event
2005-05-16 09:27:30-0700 744 2ec Service got power resume event 0x12
2005-05-16 09:27:30-0700 744 2ec Service got power resume event 0x7
2005-05-16 09:28:08-0700 744 7cc Cleared the proxy cache.
2005-05-16 09:32:21-0700 744 7cc Cleared the proxy cache.
2005-05-16 09:32:38-0700 744 2ec Service received logoff notification
2005-05-16 09:32:43-0700 744 2ec Service received SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN
2005-05-16 09:32:43-0700 744 7cc Exiting Service Main
2005-05-16 09:32:43-0700 744 7cc DM: SetNotifyInterface failed with
2005-05-16 18:05:35-0700 744 80 Service Main starts
2005-05-16 18:05:35-0700 744 80 Using BatchFlushAge = 7962.
2005-05-16 18:05:35-0700 744 80 Using SamplingValue = 690.
2005-05-16 18:05:35-0700 744 80 Successfully loaded event namespace
2005-05-16 18:05:36-0700 744 80 Successfully loaded client event namespace
2005-05-16 18:05:36-0700 744 80 Successfully initialized local event
logger. Events will be logged at
2005-05-16 18:05:36-0700 744 80 Successfully initialized NT event logger.
2005-05-16 18:05:36-0700 744 80 Successfully initialized event uploader 0.
2005-05-16 18:05:36-0700 744 80 Successfully initialized event uploader 1.
2005-05-16 18:05:37-0700 744 80 WU client with version 5.4.3790.2182
successfully initialized
2005-05-16 18:05:37-0700 744 80 Service status is now SERVICE_RUNNING
2005-05-16 18:05:48-0700 744 2ec Service received connect notification
2005-05-16 18:06:21-0700 744 80 start delayed initialization of WU client
2005-05-16 18:06:22-0700 2872 b3c Trying to make out of proc datastore
2005-05-16 18:06:23-0700 2872 b3c Out of proc datastore is now active
2005-05-16 18:06:23-0700 744 80 Client Call Recorder finished delayed
2005-05-16 18:06:23-0700 744 80 AU is disabled, not initializing any
2005-05-16 18:06:23-0700 744 80 AU finished delayed initialization
2005-05-16 18:07:28-0700 744 80 Cleared the proxy cache.
2005-05-16 18:11:24-0700 2872 b3c Out of proc datastore is shutting down
2005-05-16 18:11:25-0700 2872 b3c Out of proc datastore is now inactive
2005-05-16 18:29:41-0700 744 80 Cleared the proxy cache.
2005-05-16 18:30:00-0700 744 2ec Service got power suspend event
2005-05-16 21:17:43-0700 744 2ec Service got power resume event 0x12
2005-05-16 21:17:43-0700 744 2ec Service got power resume event 0x7
2005-05-16 21:18:57-0700 744 80 Cleared the proxy cache.

From the Start menu, select RUN option, then type in

Open the log file as I mentioned. Scroll all the way down to get to the
entries for the last session.
You are looking for entries marked "Error" such as 0x......... (where
....... are numbers)

Maurice N ~ MVP

Part 1 of suggestions.
Turn on Automatic Updates and set it to a time convenient for you to watch
the same day. So, as an example:

If today is Tuesday, and it is 1:15 pm:
1. Click Start
2. Click Control Panel
3. Double-click Automatic Updates
4. Choose "Automatic (recommended)"
5. Set the time for "Every Tuesday" at "2:00pm"
6. Click OK
7. Close Control Panel
8. Wait for 2:00pm
9. Check back at 2:30pm or 4pm to see if your updates installed, or if they
require any input from you, such as approval of a new End User License

{credit to Pat Walters at MSFT}

Part 2:

Do a few sanity checks:
1) You must make sure these Win XP services are enabled and running:

Automatic Updates
Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)
Cryptographic Services
Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
System Restore Service

Go to Start menu >Run > MSCONFIG <enter>
Click on the "Services" Tab & review these services. They should have a
green "tick/check" mark on left; and status "Running" on the far right.

You need to have either a 3rd-party firewall or XP's firewall ON, and, have
a good/current antivirus on. Don't go on the net without them!

2) Following is only a basic first-pass checklist of settings for Internet
Explorer browser, tailored for smoother entry into Windows Update.
It is NOT a cureall !

Make sure this is not running a 3rd-part Popup-Ad remover, or any

1. In Internet Explorer browser > select Tools, click Internet Options, and
then click
If this box is empty, add at least one language -- your usual national
If you happen to have 2 or more, move English up on this list.

2. Disengage your Discussion Bar in Internet Explorer: Click View on
main IE menu.
Point to Explorer Bar.
If "Discuss" has a check mark, click Discuss to *remove the check mark*
and clear it.
You may note, if the discussion bar is active, it would appear near the
bottom of IE window.

3. I. E. Tools >Internet Options > Advanced Tab > (scroll down thru
the list)

These are "some" of the items that I do have CHECKed (selected):
Under HTTP 1.1 settings --
Use HTTP 1.1 (ON / Selected)
+ Enable / check to use HTTP 1.1 with proxy servers **** <<----

and under Security :

Clear (un-check) the check box next to "Check for server certificate
revocation" . ( *OFF* )

Use SSL 2.0 (ON / selected)
Use SSL 3.0 (ON)

4. Internet Explorer > Tools > Internet Options > Connections Tab Click
on LAN Settings > * Uncheck* the Automatically detect settings.
Make sure _no other_ settings on this screen are enabled.

5. Internet Explorer > main menu /Tools/Internet Options >

Security Tab/ click on green icon Trusted Sites/click Sites button.

Look very closely at line that says:

"Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone" to
*clear* the selection.
(e.g. You want that to be un-checked (un-ticked)).

In the "Add this Web site to the zone:" field, add these entries to
list of "Trusted Sites" --

http://*.download.windowsupdat­ (click Add)


https://v5.windowsupdate.micro­ (with HTTPS)­.com

Click OK. Apply changes to IE browser.

Then re-try Windows Update.

HTH Post back with your progress


I have similar problem, but it is worse...

I cannot run windows update, no matter what.

First of all, the windows update button from IE will lead me to an empty
Then if I try to search the windows update page, it will give me this

Windows Update Error

Windows Update has encountered an error. Please try the following:

Install the latest version of the Microsoft XML Parser from the Microsoft
Download Center:

In the Worldwide Downloads list, select the appropriate language for your
computer and then click Go.
In the Keywords box, type Microsoft XML Parser (MSXML) 3.0 Service Pack and
then click Go.
In the list of available downloads, click Microsoft XML Parser (MSXML) 3.0
Service Pack 4 (SP4).
Follow the instructions on your screen.
After the installation, try the Windows Update site again.

You can also get online support if you are having problems with Windows

Send error number to Microsoft (0x800A0007)
Note This sends error information but does not create a support incident;
you may or may not receive a response.

Please help!


I try everything you suggested above, but it is not working....
Here is my log (notice the error I get is 0x8007045awhen run auto update,
and 0x240001 to Exit call):

2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 Successfully initiated download for 6
updates matching criteria 5
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 Setting AU scheduled install time to
2005-05-19 07:00:00
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 768 AU received event of 1
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 WU client calls back to search call
AutomaticUpdates with code Call complete and error 0
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 WU client completed and deleted call
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 WU client executing call
{D87EC18A-71BC-49F9-B5ED-42D039539FF2} of type Download Call
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 Dumping out update 1 of 6
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 title = Critical Update for Office XP on
Windows XP Service Pack 2 (KB885884)
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 dumping updateId
{E5F21832-ED23-4339-BA4C-F63089DD1AE8}.103 bundling 1 updates
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 bundled update No. 1 is
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 Dumping out update 2 of 6
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 title = Cumulative Security Update for
Internet Explorer for Windows XP Service Pack 2 (KB890923)
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 dumping updateId
{A2D28A3A-34AD-4044-A890-3231305FCF5F}.100 bundling 1 updates
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 bundled update No. 1 is
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 Dumping out update 3 of 6
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 title = Critical Update for Windows XP
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 dumping updateId
{6917A042-BA50-4723-A0C3-3783A8DDC28B}.100 bundling 1 updates
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 bundled update No. 1 is
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 Dumping out update 4 of 6
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 title = Security Update for Windows
Messenger (KB887472)
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 dumping updateId
{BB758AAA-8024-44D0-8434-73CEFE8CA80B}.100 bundling 1 updates
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 bundled update No. 1 is
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 Dumping out update 5 of 6
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 title = Update for Windows XP (KB887742)
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 dumping updateId
{1FD3B3AC-9E83-4286-8369-D122669C24F6}.101 bundling 1 updates
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 bundled update No. 1 is
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 Dumping out update 6 of 6
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 title = Security Update for Windows XP
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 dumping updateId
{BB642BE1-0DEA-4782-8C40-BFDBAA3DA376}.101 bundling 1 updates
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 bundled update No. 1 is
2005-05-18 16:24:50-0400 828 714 DM: Refresh failed with 0x80246005.
2005-05-18 16:24:52-0400 828 714 WU client persisted 1 download calls
2005-05-18 16:25:04-0400 828 768 AU received event of 1
2005-05-18 16:25:08-0400 828 340 Service received connect notification
2005-05-18 16:25:08-0400 828 768 AU received event of 3
2005-05-18 16:25:19-0400 828 340 Service received logon notification
2005-05-18 16:25:19-0400 828 768 AU received event of 3
2005-05-18 16:25:22-0400 828 768 AU received event of 1
2005-05-18 16:25:22-0400 828 768 Successfully launched client for directive 3
2005-05-18 16:25:31-0400 2468 9a8 Failed to show client UI, directive=3,
2005-05-18 16:25:32-0400 828 768 AU received event of 0
2005-05-18 16:25:46-0400 828 768 AU received event of 1
2005-05-18 16:25:46-0400 828 768 Successfully launched client for directive 3
2005-05-18 16:28:45-0400 828 768 AU received event of 3
2005-05-18 16:28:45-0400 828 768 WU client succeeds
CClientCallRecorder::BeginFindUpdates from AutomaticUpdates with call id
2005-05-18 16:28:45-0400 828 768 Cleared the proxy cache.
2005-05-18 16:28:50-0400 828 714 WU client persisted 1 download calls
2005-05-18 16:28:50-0400 828 714 WU client persisted 1 download calls
2005-05-18 16:28:50-0400 828 714 WU client persisted 1 download calls
2005-05-18 16:28:50-0400 828 714 WU client persisted 1 download calls
2005-05-18 16:28:50-0400 828 714 WU client persisted 1 download calls
2005-05-18 16:28:50-0400 828 714 WU client persisted 1 download calls
2005-05-18 16:28:50-0400 828 430 Download complete for all calls
2005-05-18 16:28:50-0400 828 430 Setting AU scheduled install time to
2005-05-19 07:00:00
2005-05-18 16:28:50-0400 828 714 WU client executing call
{56A5E957-AE88-4DE1-8ADE-B49547738E5F} of type Search Call
2005-05-18 16:28:50-0400 828 430 OS Version = 5.1.2600.2.0.66304
2005-05-18 16:28:50-0400 828 714 Failed getting old redirectorId
(0x8007045a), consider it default 0
2005-05-18 16:28:50-0400 828 714 Checking for different Redirector at:
2005-05-18 16:28:51-0400 828 430 Computer Brand = Dell Computer Corporation
2005-05-18 16:28:51-0400 828 430 Computer Model = DIM4400

2005-05-18 16:28:51-0400 828 430 Bios Revision = A04
2005-05-18 16:28:51-0400 828 430 Bios Name = Default System BIOS
2005-05-18 16:28:51-0400 828 430 Bios Release Date = 2002-02-12T00:00:00
2005-05-18 16:28:51-0400 828 430 Locale ID = 1033
2005-05-18 16:28:51-0400 828 430 ClientVersion: iuengine.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-18 16:28:51-0400 828 430 ClientVersion: wuapi.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-18 16:28:51-0400 828 430 ClientVersion: wuauclt.exe = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-18 16:28:51-0400 828 430 ClientVersion: wuauclt1.exe = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-18 16:28:51-0400 828 430 ClientVersion: wuaucpl.cpl = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-18 16:28:51-0400 828 430 ClientVersion: wuaueng.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-18 16:28:51-0400 828 430 ClientVersion: wuaueng1.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-18 16:28:51-0400 828 430 ClientVersion: wuauserv.dll = 5.4.3790.2180
2005-05-18 16:28:51-0400 828 430 ClientVersion: wucltui.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-18 16:28:51-0400 828 430 WU client calls back to download call
{D87EC18A-71BC-49F9-B5ED-42D039539FF2} with code Call complete and error 0
2005-05-18 16:28:51-0400 828 430 WU client completed and deleted call
2005-05-18 16:28:51-0400 828 430 WU client persisted 0 download calls
2005-05-18 16:28:56-0400 828 3cc AU Client approved 6 updates for install
2005-05-18 16:28:56-0400 828 3cc WU client succeeds
CClientCallRecorder::BeginInstallUpdates from AutomaticUpdates with call id
2005-05-18 16:28:56-0400 828 3cc Successfully initiated install for 6 updates
2005-05-18 16:28:56-0400 828 848 WU client executing call
{FC9940D4-2FE4-43DA-984A-C0554BFA9C22} of type Install call
2005-05-18 16:28:56-0400 828 848 validate updates before Install
2005-05-18 16:28:57-0400 828 848 prune update list before Install
2005-05-18 16:28:57-0400 828 848 setting system restore point
2005-05-18 16:29:03-0400 828 430 WU client calls back to install call
{FC9940D4-2FE4-43DA-984A-C0554BFA9C22} with code Call progress and error 0
2005-05-18 16:29:03-0400 828 848 WU client starts install in user context
2005-05-18 16:29:06-0400 828 848 WU client is installing update
2005-05-18 16:29:06-0400 828 430 Install failed: 8007045a
2005-05-18 16:29:06-0400 828 714 GetWuidentUrlFromRedirector failed due to
error 0x8007045a
2005-05-18 16:29:06-0400 828 714 IsUpdateRequired failed with error
2005-05-18 16:29:06-0400 828 848 WU client finishes installing update
{2C915E53-F7B1-4246-A8FC-E67D599934A0}.103 with result 0x8007045a
2005-05-18 16:29:06-0400 828 848 WU client is installing update
2005-05-18 16:29:07-0400 828 714 PT: Using serverID
2005-05-18 16:29:07-0400 828 714 WU client failed Searching for update with
error 0x8007045a
2005-05-18 16:29:08-0400 828 714 REPORT EVENT:
{5BC2F256-ED58-4081-8454-A33EAD388116} 151 2005-05-18
16:28:50-0400 1 188 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Unknown
2005-05-18 16:29:08-0400 828 714 Reopened existing event cache file at
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\EventCache\{671A17C1-26EB-46C7-B012-BBD488D3EA77}.bin for writing.
2005-05-18 16:29:08-0400 828 714 Reopened existing event cache file at
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\EventCache\{125EDCD8-EDA7-47DE-9A61-0FC2D56E33E3}.bin for writing.
2005-05-18 16:29:08-0400 828 714 Search Callback Failed, hr is 0x8007045a
2005-05-18 16:29:08-0400 828 714 Setting next AU detection timeout to
2005-05-19 01:29:08
2005-05-18 16:29:08-0400 828 714 WU client calls back to search call
AutomaticUpdates with code Call failed and error 0x8007045a
2005-05-18 16:29:08-0400 828 714 WU client completed and deleted call
2005-05-18 16:29:11-0400 828 714 REPORT EVENT:
{88C95955-7518-48E6-B4FA-806675EE4F74} 152 2005-05-18
16:29:06-0400 1 182 101 {E5F21832-ED23-4339-BA4C-F63089DD1AE8} 103 8007045a AutomaticUpdates Unknown
2005-05-18 16:29:11-0400 828 714 REPORT EVENT:
{06029DD2-A7A1-4C0F-8A02-C36C24E29856} 153 2005-05-18
16:29:06-0400 1 182 101 {2C915E53-F7B1-4246-A8FC-E67D599934A0} 103 8007045a AutomaticUpdates Unknown
2005-05-18 16:29:11-0400 828 714 REPORT EVENT:
{153BC925-D09F-4F19-B327-6877CCB776F1} 154 2005-05-18
16:29:06-0400 1 148 101 {D67661EB-2423-451D-BF5D-13199E37DF28} 0 8007045a SelfUpdate Unknown
2005-05-18 16:29:11-0400 828 714 REPORT EVENT:
{72C41FE7-3315-4614-997F-91AFAA141FA0} 155 2005-05-18
16:29:07-0400 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007045a AutomaticUpdates Unknown
2005-05-18 16:29:26-0400 828 848 WU client finishes installing update
{3D864B61-126C-448F-9BE9-22E30112FF65}.100 with result 0
2005-05-18 16:29:26-0400 828 848 WU client is installing update
2005-05-18 16:29:31-0400 828 c0c REPORT EVENT:
{9C05F2CF-E08B-4A48-8F8E-5E5A33B23E1F} 156 2005-05-18
16:29:26-0400 1 184 101 {A2D28A3A-34AD-4044-A890-3231305FCF5F} 100 0 AutomaticUpdates Unknown
2005-05-18 16:29:31-0400 828 c0c REPORT EVENT:
{93CC4F52-A75D-48AE-9A46-2FB3EDD6FC51} 157 2005-05-18
16:29:26-0400 1 184 101 {3D864B61-126C-448F-9BE9-22E30112FF65} 100 0 AutomaticUpdates Unknown
2005-05-18 16:29:33-0400 828 848 WU client finishes installing update
{A8528137-1CA1-4B24-9F16-F218AFCEB9C2}.100 with result 0
2005-05-18 16:29:33-0400 828 848 WU client is installing update
2005-05-18 16:29:38-0400 828 c0c REPORT EVENT:
{DA637706-DF54-4B37-BF20-4A0514E627F5} 158 2005-05-18
16:29:33-0400 1 184 101 {6917A042-BA50-4723-A0C3-3783A8DDC28B} 100 0 AutomaticUpdates Unknown
2005-05-18 16:29:38-0400 828 c0c REPORT EVENT:
{4153C028-0D42-4AD2-82EC-87869944533D} 159 2005-05-18
16:29:33-0400 1 184 101 {A8528137-1CA1-4B24-9F16-F218AFCEB9C2} 100 0 AutomaticUpdates Unknown
2005-05-18 16:29:41-0400 828 848 WU client finishes installing update
{7FDD1A1D-8612-434C-A890-F6616EA3B6CB}.100 with result 0
2005-05-18 16:29:41-0400 828 848 WU client is installing update
2005-05-18 16:29:46-0400 828 c0c REPORT EVENT:
{31C966FD-3B1F-4B84-A23B-700DABC3CCA7} 160 2005-05-18
16:29:41-0400 1 184 101 {BB758AAA-8024-44D0-8434-73CEFE8CA80B} 100 0 AutomaticUpdates Unknown
2005-05-18 16:29:46-0400 828 c0c REPORT EVENT:
{6BCA41A2-749D-4A07-8ED6-65F3D2CAB788} 161 2005-05-18
16:29:41-0400 1 184 101 {7FDD1A1D-8612-434C-A890-F6616EA3B6CB} 100 0 AutomaticUpdates Unknown
2005-05-18 16:29:48-0400 828 848 WU client finishes installing update
{283B12D0-45B3-4779-8F9F-B199C04374E2}.101 with result 0
2005-05-18 16:29:48-0400 828 848 WU client is installing update
2005-05-18 16:29:53-0400 828 430 REPORT EVENT:
{BEA65CDB-B79C-4FD0-880F-8F4BBBE39DBC} 162 2005-05-18
16:29:48-0400 1 183 101 {1FD3B3AC-9E83-4286-8369-D122669C24F6} 101 0 AutomaticUpdates Unknown
2005-05-18 16:29:53-0400 828 430 REPORT EVENT:
{A13CE6E2-B056-42A2-8D1C-DD422108FC5A} 163 2005-05-18
16:29:48-0400 1 183 101 {283B12D0-45B3-4779-8F9F-B199C04374E2} 101 0 AutomaticUpdates Unknown
2005-05-18 16:29:56-0400 828 848 WU client finishes installing update
{B63A8B34-6E30-491A-B2C0-8A83093E45CA}.101 with result 0
2005-05-18 16:29:56-0400 828 848 system restore point set
2005-05-18 16:29:56-0400 828 848 WU client now has reboot status 1
2005-05-18 16:29:56-0400 828 848 WU client finished installing updates
2005-05-18 16:29:56-0400 828 848 Install call completed.
2005-05-18 16:29:56-0400 828 848 Install complete for all calls, reboot
2005-05-18 16:29:56-0400 828 848 WU client calls back to install call
{FC9940D4-2FE4-43DA-984A-C0554BFA9C22} with code Call complete and error 0
2005-05-18 16:29:56-0400 828 848 WU client completed and deleted call
2005-05-18 16:30:01-0400 828 848 REPORT EVENT:
{CD294340-4AE1-4548-910F-D147883EE7D6} 164 2005-05-18
16:29:56-0400 1 184 101 {BB642BE1-0DEA-4782-8C40-BFDBAA3DA376} 101 0 AutomaticUpdates Unknown
2005-05-18 16:30:01-0400 828 848 REPORT EVENT:
{71027013-1D58-4D5B-AB1C-D1FA778E08B7} 165 2005-05-18
16:29:56-0400 1 184 101 {B63A8B34-6E30-491A-B2C0-8A83093E45CA} 101 0 AutomaticUpdates Unknown
2005-05-18 16:30:01-0400 828 848 REPORT EVENT:
{D6D1F276-69A6-4A26-B5C7-8FC7AD33A210} 166 2005-05-18
16:29:56-0400 1 193 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Unknown
2005-05-18 16:30:08-0400 828 b40 Resetting cached installation status
2005-05-18 16:30:08-0400 828 768 AU received event of 1
2005-05-18 16:30:08-0400 828 768 WU client succeeds
CClientCallRecorder::BeginFindUpdates from AutomaticUpdates with call id
2005-05-18 16:30:08-0400 828 3cc Showing reboot pending UI...
2005-05-18 16:30:08-0400 828 848 WU client executing call
{6B74A6D0-CA81-4BB9-A47B-E32CBC0859B7} of type Search Call
2005-05-18 16:30:09-0400 828 848 WU client add update
{E5F21832-ED23-4339-BA4C-F63089DD1AE8}.103 to search result
2005-05-18 16:30:09-0400 828 848 WU client found 1 updates and 10
categories in search
2005-05-18 16:30:09-0400 828 848 WU client finished Searching for update
2005-05-18 16:30:09-0400 828 848 AU Detection callback: 1 updates detected
2005-05-18 16:30:09-0400 828 848 Setting AU scheduled install time to
2005-05-19 07:00:00
2005-05-18 16:30:09-0400 828 848 Found no updates approved for download
matching criteria 0.
2005-05-18 16:30:09-0400 828 848 Found no updates approved for download
matching criteria 1.
2005-05-18 16:30:09-0400 828 848 Found no updates approved for download
matching criteria 2.
2005-05-18 16:30:09-0400 828 848 Found no updates approved for download
matching criteria 3.
2005-05-18 16:30:09-0400 828 848 Found no updates approved for download
matching criteria 4.
2005-05-18 16:30:09-0400 828 848 WU client persisted 1 download calls
2005-05-18 16:30:09-0400 828 848 WU client succeeds
CClientCallRecorder::BeginDownloadUpdates from AutomaticUpdates with call id
2005-05-18 16:30:09-0400 828 848 Successfully initiated download for 1
2005-05-18 16:30:09-0400 828 848 Successfully initiated download for 1
updates matching criteria 5
2005-05-18 16:30:09-0400 828 848 Setting AU scheduled install time to
2005-05-19 07:00:00
2005-05-18 16:30:09-0400 828 848 WU client calls back to search call
AutomaticUpdates with code Call complete and error 0
2005-05-18 16:30:09-0400 828 848 WU client completed and deleted call
2005-05-18 16:30:09-0400 828 848 WU client executing call
{94CAF94E-713E-4C86-9ECC-1A18B27728AE} of type Download Call
2005-05-18 16:30:09-0400 828 848 Dumping out update 1 of 1
2005-05-18 16:30:09-0400 828 848 title = Critical Update for Office XP on
Windows XP Service Pack 2 (KB885884)
2005-05-18 16:30:09-0400 828 848 dumping updateId
{E5F21832-ED23-4339-BA4C-F63089DD1AE8}.103 bundling 1 updates
2005-05-18 16:30:09-0400 828 848 bundled update No. 1 is
2005-05-18 16:30:10-0400 828 768 AU received event of 0
2005-05-18 16:30:22-0400 828 768 AU received event of 1
2005-05-18 16:30:22-0400 828 768 Successfully launched client for directive 7
2005-05-18 16:30:23-0400 828 848 DM: DspLoadXmlFromFile failed with
2005-05-18 16:30:23-0400 828 848 DM: ApplyOdf failed with 0x8007045a.
2005-05-18 16:30:23-0400 828 848 DM: Refresh failed with 0x8007045a.
2005-05-18 16:30:23-0400 828 848 WU client persisted 1 download calls
2005-05-18 16:30:23-0400 828 848 WU client persisted 1 download calls
2005-05-18 16:30:23-0400 828 848 Download complete for all calls
2005-05-18 16:30:23-0400 828 848 Setting AU scheduled install time to
2005-05-19 07:00:00
2005-05-18 16:30:23-0400 828 848 WU client calls back to download call
{94CAF94E-713E-4C86-9ECC-1A18B27728AE} with code Call complete and error 0
2005-05-18 16:30:23-0400 828 848 WU client completed and deleted call
2005-05-18 16:30:23-0400 828 848 WU client persisted 0 download calls
2005-05-18 16:30:28-0400 828 c0c REPORT EVENT:
{1676D76A-4AF9-4D72-8213-A11508A39438} 167 2005-05-18
16:30:23-0400 1 188 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Unknown
2005-05-18 16:30:37-0400 828 768 AU received event of 1
2005-05-18 16:31:48-0400 2452 9d4 1 updates are ready to be installed at
2005-05-18 16:31:55-0400 828 768 AU received event of 0
2005-05-18 16:31:58-0400 828 340 Service received logoff notification
2005-05-18 16:31:58-0400 828 768 AU received event of 3
2005-05-18 16:32:05-0400 828 b40 AU Restart required....
2005-05-18 16:32:05-0400 828 768 AU received event of 1
2005-05-18 16:32:05-0400 828 768 AU is paused, not initializing any handlers
2005-05-18 16:32:07-0400 828 340 Service received SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN
2005-05-18 16:32:07-0400 828 768 Exiting Service Main
2005-05-18 16:32:07-0400 932 268 Out of proc datastore is shutting down
2005-05-18 16:32:07-0400 828 768 WUAUENG ServiceMain exits. Exit code is
2005-05-18 16:32:10-0400 932 268 Out of proc datastore is now inactive
2005-05-18 16:33:35-0400 880 1c0 Service Main starts
2005-05-18 16:33:36-0400 880 1c0 Using BatchFlushAge = 7135.
2005-05-18 16:33:36-0400 880 1c0 Using SamplingValue = 921.
2005-05-18 16:33:36-0400 880 1c0 Successfully loaded event namespace
2005-05-18 16:33:40-0400 880 1c0 Failed to load client event namespace
descriptor with hr = 8007045a.
2005-05-18 16:33:40-0400 880 1c0 Successfully initialized local event
logger. Events will be logged at
2005-05-18 16:33:40-0400 880 1c0 Successfully initialized NT event logger.
2005-05-18 16:33:40-0400 880 1c0 Successfully initialized event uploader 0.
2005-05-18 16:33:40-0400 880 1c0 Successfully initialized event uploader 1.
2005-05-18 16:33:41-0400 880 1c0 WU client with version 5.4.3790.2182
successfully initialized
2005-05-18 16:33:41-0400 880 1c0 Service status is now SERVICE_RUNNING
2005-05-18 16:33:49-0400 880 374 Service received logon notification
2005-05-18 16:34:05-0400 880 374 Service received connect notification
2005-05-18 16:34:25-0400 880 1c0 start delayed initialization of WU client
2005-05-18 16:34:57-0400 2540 9f0 Trying to make out of proc datastore active
2005-05-18 16:35:09-0400 2540 9f0 Out of proc datastore is now active
2005-05-18 16:35:12-0400 880 1c0 Client Call Recorder finished delayed
2005-05-18 16:35:17-0400 880 1c0 Setting AU scheduled install time to
2005-05-19 07:00:00
2005-05-18 16:35:17-0400 880 1c0 OS Version = 5.1.2600.2.0.66304
2005-05-18 16:36:02-0400 880 1c0 Computer Brand = Dell Computer Corporation

2005-05-18 16:36:02-0400 880 1c0 Computer Model = DIM4400

2005-05-18 16:36:02-0400 880 1c0 Bios Revision = A04
2005-05-18 16:36:02-0400 880 1c0 Bios Name = Default System BIOS
2005-05-18 16:36:02-0400 880 1c0 Bios Release Date = 2002-02-12T00:00:00
2005-05-18 16:36:02-0400 880 1c0 Locale ID = 1033
2005-05-18 16:36:06-0400 880 1c0 ClientVersion: iuengine.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-18 16:36:06-0400 880 1c0 ClientVersion: wuapi.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-18 16:36:06-0400 880 1c0 ClientVersion: wuauclt.exe = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-18 16:36:09-0400 880 1c0 ClientVersion: wuauclt1.exe = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-18 16:36:09-0400 880 1c0 ClientVersion: wuaucpl.cpl = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-18 16:36:09-0400 880 1c0 ClientVersion: wuaueng.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-18 16:36:13-0400 880 1c0 ClientVersion: wuaueng1.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-18 16:36:13-0400 880 1c0 ClientVersion: wuauserv.dll = 5.4.3790.2180
2005-05-18 16:36:16-0400 880 1c0 ClientVersion: wucltui.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-18 16:36:24-0400 880 1c0 AU finished delayed initialization
2005-05-18 16:36:24-0400 880 1c0 AU received event of 1
2005-05-18 16:36:24-0400 880 1c0 WU client succeeds
CClientCallRecorder::BeginFindUpdates from AutomaticUpdates with call id
2005-05-18 16:36:24-0400 880 424 REPORT EVENT:
{448BA418-363F-40C9-A7F4-1DEC0097F2AA} 168 2005-05-18
16:35:17-0400 1 188 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Unknown
2005-05-18 16:36:24-0400 880 424 Reopened existing event cache file at
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\EventCache\{671A17C1-26EB-46C7-B012-BBD488D3EA77}.bin for writing.
2005-05-18 16:36:24-0400 880 424 Reopened existing event cache file at
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\EventCache\{125EDCD8-EDA7-47DE-9A61-0FC2D56E33E3}.bin for writing.
2005-05-18 16:36:24-0400 880 424 WU client executing call
{FB884614-0BC7-435D-8AC9-24AB6DA989BC} of type Search Call
2005-05-18 16:36:30-0400 880 1c0 AU received event of 1
2005-05-18 16:36:31-0400 880 1c0 Successfully launched client for directive 5
2005-05-18 16:36:49-0400 880 a14 AU Client approved 1 updates for install
2005-05-18 16:36:49-0400 880 a14 WU client succeeds
CClientCallRecorder::BeginInstallUpdates from AutomaticUpdates with call id
2005-05-18 16:36:49-0400 880 a14 Successfully initiated install for 1 updates
2005-05-18 16:36:49-0400 880 388 WU client executing call
{FDC00B2C-4F62-4EFF-A846-477142E409E7} of type Install call
2005-05-18 16:36:49-0400 880 388 validate updates before Install
2005-05-18 16:37:17-0400 880 388 prune update list before Install
2005-05-18 16:37:17-0400 880 388 WU client finished installing updates
2005-05-18 16:37:17-0400 880 388 Install call completed.
2005-05-18 16:37:17-0400 880 388 Install complete for all calls, reboot NOT
2005-05-18 16:37:17-0400 880 388 WU client calls back to install call
{FDC00B2C-4F62-4EFF-A846-477142E409E7} with code Call complete and error 0
2005-05-18 16:37:17-0400 880 388 WU client completed and deleted call
2005-05-18 16:37:17-0400 880 424 WU client found 0 updates and 10
categories in search
2005-05-18 16:37:17-0400 880 424 WU client finished Searching for update
2005-05-18 16:37:18-0400 880 424 AU Detection callback: 0 updates detected
2005-05-18 16:37:18-0400 880 424 Setting AU scheduled install time to
2005-05-19 07:00:00
2005-05-18 16:37:18-0400 880 424 WU client calls back to search call
AutomaticUpdates with code Call complete and error 0
2005-05-18 16:37:18-0400 880 424 WU client completed and deleted call
2005-05-18 16:37:22-0400 880 424 REPORT EVENT:
{2906A9B6-ED38-4819-B3B9-25F556127739} 169 2005-05-18
16:37:17-0400 1 183 101 {E5F21832-ED23-4339-BA4C-F63089DD1AE8} 103 240006 AutomaticUpdates Unknown
2005-05-18 16:37:22-0400 880 424 REPORT EVENT:
{F39F18FE-60F5-4F07-B1F7-276B80268AD4} 170 2005-05-18
16:37:17-0400 1 183 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 240006 AutomaticUpdates Unknown
2005-05-18 16:37:38-0400 880 84c Setting AU Approval Type to 3
2005-05-18 16:37:38-0400 880 84c AU Options changed through user preference.
2005-05-18 16:37:38-0400 880 84c AU settings changed through User Preference.
2005-05-18 16:37:47-0400 880 43c Setting AU Approval Type to 1
2005-05-18 16:37:47-0400 880 43c AU Options changed through user preference.
2005-05-18 16:37:47-0400 880 43c AU Restart required....
2005-05-18 16:37:47-0400 880 1c0 AU received event of 1
2005-05-18 16:37:47-0400 880 1c0 ISusInternal API failed
CClientCallRecorder::DisconnectCall with error 0x8024000c
2005-05-18 16:37:47-0400 880 1c0 AU is disabled, not initializing any
2005-05-18 16:38:14-0400 880 15c Setting AU Approval Type to 4
2005-05-18 16:38:14-0400 880 15c Setting Install Schedule Day to 0
2005-05-18 16:38:14-0400 880 15c Setting Install Schedule Time to 3
2005-05-18 16:38:14-0400 880 15c AU Options changed through user preference.
2005-05-18 16:38:14-0400 880 15c AU Restart required....
2005-05-18 16:38:14-0400 880 1c0 AU received event of 1
2005-05-18 16:38:14-0400 880 1c0 Setting next AU detection timeout to
2005-05-18 20:38:14
2005-05-18 16:38:14-0400 880 1c0 Setting AU scheduled install time to
2005-05-19 07:00:00
2005-05-18 16:38:14-0400 880 1c0 AU received event of 1
2005-05-18 16:38:14-0400 880 1c0 WU client succeeds
CClientCallRecorder::BeginFindUpdates from AutomaticUpdates with call id
2005-05-18 16:38:14-0400 880 d50 WU client executing call
{5D69C937-B2AA-46E9-9775-B1F39FDAFA9C} of type Search Call
2005-05-18 16:38:15-0400 880 d50 Failed getting old redirectorId
(0x8007045a), consider it default 0
2005-05-18 16:38:15-0400 880 d50 Checking for different Redirector at:
2005-05-18 16:38:26-0400 880 f9c Setting AU Approval Type to 4
2005-05-18 16:38:26-0400 880 f9c Setting Install Schedule Day to 0
2005-05-18 16:38:26-0400 880 f9c Setting Install Schedule Time to 5
2005-05-18 16:38:26-0400 880 f9c AU Options changed through user preference.
2005-05-18 16:38:26-0400 880 f9c AU settings changed through User Preference.
2005-05-18 16:38:26-0400 880 f9c Setting AU scheduled install time to
2005-05-19 09:00:00
2005-05-18 16:38:29-0400 880 d50 GetWuidentUrlFromRedirector failed due to
error 0x8007045a
2005-05-18 16:38:29-0400 880 d50 IsUpdateRequired failed with error
2005-05-18 16:38:29-0400 880 d50 PT: Using serverID
2005-05-18 16:38:29-0400 880 d50 WU client failed Searching for update with
error 0x8007045a
2005-05-18 16:38:29-0400 880 d50 Search Callback Failed, hr is 0x8007045a
2005-05-18 16:38:29-0400 880 d50 Setting next AU detection timeout to
2005-05-19 01:38:29
2005-05-18 16:38:29-0400 880 d50 Setting AU scheduled install time to
2005-05-19 09:00:00
2005-05-18 16:38:29-0400 880 d50 WU client calls back to search call
AutomaticUpdates with code Call failed and error 0x8007045a
2005-05-18 16:38:29-0400 880 d50 WU client completed and deleted call
2005-05-18 16:38:30-0400 880 84c Setting AU Approval Type to 4
2005-05-18 16:38:30-0400 880 84c Setting Install Schedule Day to 0
2005-05-18 16:38:30-0400 880 84c Setting Install Schedule Time to 17
2005-05-18 16:38:30-0400 880 84c AU Options changed through user preference.
2005-05-18 16:38:30-0400 880 84c AU settings changed through User Preference.
2005-05-18 16:38:30-0400 880 84c Setting AU scheduled install time to
2005-05-18 21:00:00
2005-05-18 16:38:31-0400 880 f9c Setting AU Approval Type to 4
2005-05-18 16:38:31-0400 880 f9c Setting Install Schedule Day to 0
2005-05-18 16:38:31-0400 880 f9c Setting Install Schedule Time to 17
2005-05-18 16:38:31-0400 880 f9c AU Options changed through user preference.
2005-05-18 16:38:31-0400 880 f9c AU settings changed through User Preference.
2005-05-18 16:38:31-0400 880 f9c Setting AU scheduled install time to
2005-05-18 21:00:00
2005-05-18 16:38:34-0400 880 d50 REPORT EVENT:
{47E654C4-57F4-4BF0-BE16-6B8FB2015383} 171 2005-05-18
16:38:29-0400 1 148 101 {D67661EB-2423-451D-BF5D-13199E37DF28} 0 8007045a SelfUpdate Unknown
2005-05-18 16:38:34-0400 880 d50 REPORT EVENT:
{AC3D6480-DFE9-4A50-9274-F9A09D8889EA} 172 2005-05-18
16:38:29-0400 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007045a AutomaticUpdates Unknown
2005-05-18 16:43:31-0400 2540 9f0 Out of proc datastore is shutting down
2005-05-18 16:43:33-0400 2540 9f0 Out of proc datastore is now inactive
2005-05-18 17:00:10-0400 880 1c0 AU received event of 1
2005-05-18 17:00:10-0400 880 1c0 Forced install timer expired for scheduled
2005-05-18 17:00:10-0400 880 1c0 Setting AU scheduled install time to
2005-05-19 21:00:00

Please help! I tried to install SP2 2 times this week already, but it seems
like I am heading to a wrong direction.


Only problem is that I do not want to turn on Automatic Updates because I
want control over what updates I install and when I install them.
There has to be a solution without turning on Automatic Updates because I
use to be able to go to Start>Help and Support>Windows Update and get my
updates......I do not know why all of a sudden this quit working.
I know of others who do not use Automatic Updates for this same reason and
it works great for them as it once did for me.
Thanks for your continued assistance!!!


Hit "Windows Key+Pause Key". Select "Automatic Updates". Select "Notify me,
but don't automatically download or install them." You can then select and
install only the updates you want when you are notified that new updates are


Thanks for the information. This is very helpful.
Do you know of any way to make Start>Help and Support>Windows Update
work? It use towork and then all of a sudden quit working.
Thanks for your consideration!!!!!

Maurice N ~ MVP

There are 3 others ways to get to means to get to Windows Update.

A) From the Start menu, All programs, you should see a menu item for Windows
B) From Internet Explorer browser, select Tools then Windows Update.
C) In I.E. browser, type in at the address bar

I note that you do have an issue with the link from Help and support.
Take a look at Doug Knox's website.

The link to download his repair for H & S follows

Repairs Windows® XP Help and Support­ipts/fixwinxphelp.vbs



I'm afraid I don't. Sorry.

Thanks for the information. This is very helpful.
Do you know of any way to make Start>Help and Support>Windows Update
work? It use towork and then all of a sudden quit working.
Thanks for your consideration!!!!!

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