Cannot delete member from a group e-mail address



I have deleted an individual member from a group e-mail address I have
created. I also have deleted the address from my contacts, as it is no longer
a valid address.

When i send a message to the group, I get an auto-reply telling me the
e-mail does not exist.

When I right click on the address, it tells me I do not have that address in
my Outlook.

I have searched my entire address book and not found this address anywhere.

Thank you for your assistance!


Brian Tillman

lanu said:
I have deleted an individual member from a group e-mail address I have
created. I also have deleted the address from my contacts, as it is
no longer a valid address.

When i send a message to the group, I get an auto-reply telling me the
e-mail does not exist.

When I right click on the address, it tells me I do not have that
address in my Outlook.

I have searched my entire address book and not found this address

I'm assuming that you actually mean "Distribution List" when you say
"group". Outlook doesn't have anything called "group e-mail addresses".

Remove the DL name from your autocompletion cache, then try again.


Thanks, Brian.

You are correct...Distribution List is the correct word.

I have tried to follow your suggestion, but have not found where I can edit
autocompletion cache... would you mind guiding me?

Happy Thanksgiving!


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Start a new mail message and start typing in the DL name. When the DL name appears in the dropdown, use your arrow key to select it and then press delete.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.

After furious head scratching, lanu asked:

| Thanks, Brian.
| You are correct...Distribution List is the correct word.
| I have tried to follow your suggestion, but have not found where I
| can edit autocompletion cache... would you mind guiding me?
| Happy Thanksgiving!
| Luis
| "Brian Tillman" wrote:
||| I have deleted an individual member from a group e-mail address I
||| have created. I also have deleted the address from my contacts, as
||| it is no longer a valid address.
||| When i send a message to the group, I get an auto-reply telling me
||| the e-mail does not exist.
||| When I right click on the address, it tells me I do not have that
||| address in my Outlook.
||| I have searched my entire address book and not found this address
||| anywhere.
|| I'm assuming that you actually mean "Distribution List" when you say
|| "group". Outlook doesn't have anything called "group e-mail
|| addresses".
|| Remove the DL name from your autocompletion cache, then try again.
|| --
|| Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]


Thanks, Milly,
The problem is that this address does not ''exist" in my address book, so
when i try to type it in the "TO" area, it shows me all the choices in that
letter...but it is not there, so I cannot delete it.

When I send a message to all my contacts, which I oftenj do, since I am in
sales, I get an auto-reply from this address with no text in the message.

A long time ago I had deleted this address from my address book when i was
notified it was no longer a valid address...

For now I have labeled it a 'JUNK' address, so when the auto-reply comes in,
it goes automatically to my JUNK MAIL folder, but I know this is an

Thanks for any clues you may be able to provide me.


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