Cannot delete FileName. It is being used by another person or program.



I am clean out of Free Support and desperately need this
HOTFIX -> Q813586_WXP_SP2_x86_ENU.exe

I have several files that I need to delete from my C-DRIVE
yet Explorer seems to have an invisible grasp on them and
will not let them go.

Cannot delete FileName. It is being used by another person
or program. Close any programs that might be using the
file and try again.

Please would some kind soul E-Mail me this FIX so I can
avoid formatting my hard drive and reinstalling!


Özer Durmaz \(CoBRa©\)

You can close the file while it is using. You need "Proccess Explorer"
program. You can download it from .

* NOTE: Closing a handle (file, driver, socket...etc) is for only Windows XP
and this is a dangerous action. If you terminate a needed file or driver,
system may be crashed or you can lose important datas.
So, you must use this program carefully and terminate only the file you
can't delete.

Özer Durmaz (CoBRa©)
Ýzmir / Turkey


Strike my last post!
I can see the Explorer process and all the Handles locking
these files, I can even see the handles locking the
original program used to open the files --- BUT even after
closing the handles I still cannot delete the files.

Same error message appears then Explorer.exe locks the
files all over again.

Please will someone help me ...

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