Cannot delete a file from the XP staging area for cd writing


Matt Linscott

After copying some files to the stagin area I decided
that i would rather burn with Nero, so i went to delete
the files. All of them deleted fine except for one 946 kb
file. XP gave me an error saying it couldnt delete the
file because it was corrupt. Now everytime i insert a
blank cd-r the windows pops up telling me i have unburned
files in the stagin area but i cant clear the stagin area
because of this one file.

Is there a temporary folder somewhere that stores the
files in the stagin area, some place where i could go in
under safe mode a delete the file without problems and
clear the staging area? It is just annoying that it
always pops up that there are files ready to be copied
and yet i cant clear them.

Any help would be greatly appreciated...
Matt Linscott
(e-mail address removed)


Hi Matt,

Default storage is here: Documents and Settings\<username>\Local
Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\CD Burning

When the balloon appears: There are two commands to the left of the
displayed files. One is Copy to CD and the other is Delete Temporary Files.

If you click Delete Temporary Files, the files listed in the box will
disappear. This will not erase the files from your hard drive, it simply
removes them from being copied to the CD.

Richard Harris

are you just exploring that folder using Windows Explorer and trying to
delete them that way? Or have you clicke the little 'Delete Temporary Files'
from the CD Burning window?


BinkyABT said:
Matt & Kelly,

I too have this problem, but your solution doesn't work for me. I have
already tried that. Now I am actualy just right clicking and clicking
DELETE and I still can't get rid of them!
I have two things that I can't delete:

- A folder that gives me the message -
Cannot delete xxx: It is being used by another person or program. Close
any programs that might be using the file and try again.
- A file that gives me the message -
Cannot delete xxx: Access is denied. Make sure the disk is not full or
write protected and that the file is not currently in use.
Any more ideas?

----- Kelly wrote: -----

Hi Matt,

Default storage is here: Documents and Settings\<username>\Local
Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\CD Burning

When the balloon appears: There are two commands to the left of the
displayed files. One is Copy to CD and the other is Delete Temporary Files.

If you click Delete Temporary Files, the files listed in the box will
disappear. This will not erase the files from your hard drive, it simply
removes them from being copied to the CD.

---------Mattt wrote--------------

After copying some files to the stagin area I decided that i would rather
burn with Nero, so i went to delete the files. All of them deleted fine
except for one 946 kb file. XP gave me an error saying it couldnt delete the
file because it was corrupt. Now everytime i insert a blank cd-r the windows
pops up telling me i have unburned files in the stagin area but i cant clear
the stagin area because of this one file.
Is there a temporary folder somewhere that stores the files in the stagin
area, some place where i could go in under safe mode a delete the file
without problems and clear the staging area? It is just annoying that it
always pops up that there are files ready to be copied and yet i cant clear

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