Cannot Create a Restore Point



When I try to create a restore point the hour glass stays there for hours. I
get nothing but the hour glass. No error messages. The only thing I've done
recently is adding a second hard drive to my computer. Thanks in advance for

Will Denny


Try turning SR off/on to see if that clears the problem:

Right click on My Computer, then select Properties>System Restore>Turn off
System Restore on all drives. Apply and OK it, then reboot. Enable SR
again, then reboot. See if a checkpoint has been created and if you can
create a manual checkpoint. If not you may have to reinstall System


I can even get to the properties window in my computer. When I looked for
the sr.inf file to reinstall I could not find that either. I'll reboot comp.
to see if I can get to the sr tab. to turn it off sr.

Will Denny


You can try putting a fresh copy of the sr.inf file onto the hard disk.
Type or copy/paste the following into Start/Run with the XP CD in the cd

expand X:\i386\sr.in_ %systemroot%\inf\sr.inf - where X is the letter of
your cd drive.

Then to reinstall System Restore.


Well, I reinstalled sr from the xp cd. I cannot even get the system restore
window open. If it opens, it opens a long time after I tried opening it.
The same problem with my computer properties.

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