Cannot "Compact and Repair..."



Access 2002 , Windows XP

When saving a database (in Access2000 format) to a floppy, it ran out of
disk space. It gave me the usual warnings and I clicked Cancel. But when I
tried to Compact and Repair to get the size down a little, an info window
popped up and stated:

Table "TempMSysAccessOjects" already exists.

That's it, nothing more. I presumed this was a temp file of some kind so I
searched for it without any luck. I searched the Registry for it and
couldn't find any reference there, either. So, next best thing, I rebooted
my computer hoping it would be "flushed". No luck.

I really need to compact this database. Compact and Repair still works on
every other database on my system, just not this one. Obviously the
copy-interuptus made a mess of things.

What can I do?




Skip2Maloo said:
Access 2002 , Windows XP

When saving a database (in Access2000 format) to a floppy, it ran out of
disk space. It gave me the usual warnings and I clicked Cancel. But when I
tried to Compact and Repair to get the size down a little, an info window
popped up and stated:

Table "TempMSysAccessOjects" already exists.

That's it, nothing more. I presumed this was a temp file of some kind so I
searched for it without any luck. I searched the Registry for it and
couldn't find any reference there, either. So, next best thing, I rebooted
my computer hoping it would be "flushed". No luck.

I really need to compact this database. Compact and Repair still works on
every other database on my system, just not this one. Obviously the
copy-interuptus made a mess of things.

What can I do?



I tried converting the database to 2002, and then converting it back to
2000, just to see if I could shake something loose. I got the same error /
info message above.



Thanks Gunny! I must have been spelling it wrong or something... I searched
the MSKB and came up blank. Posted here hoping someone could help, and you

The first method worked without a hitch. Hafta remember that one next time:)

Thanks again...


'69 Camaro

You're welcome! Glad it worked.


Skip2Maloo said:
Thanks Gunny! I must have been spelling it wrong or something... I searched
the MSKB and came up blank. Posted here hoping someone could help, and you

The first method worked without a hitch. Hafta remember that one next time:)

Thanks again...


out kind error

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