Tom Duprex
I am using Word 2002. I have not been successful in changing the page-
numbering scheme in the same document. I want to have my Table of
Contents, Preface, Forward etc. numbered in lower case roman, and the
rest of the document in cardinal numbers. If I number the table of
contents with roman lowercase using either view headers/footers or use
Insert/Page numbers when I go to View/Headers the View Headers tool bar
has the "Same as previous" button grayed out. This stops me cold and
means I can't change my page-numbering scheme. I would appreciate your
help in making page numbering scheme work.
numbering scheme in the same document. I want to have my Table of
Contents, Preface, Forward etc. numbered in lower case roman, and the
rest of the document in cardinal numbers. If I number the table of
contents with roman lowercase using either view headers/footers or use
Insert/Page numbers when I go to View/Headers the View Headers tool bar
has the "Same as previous" button grayed out. This stops me cold and
means I can't change my page-numbering scheme. I would appreciate your
help in making page numbering scheme work.