Can you put a formula in the middle of text?



In cell F2 of a sheet named "main flash" I want to have it display th

"for week 42 ending"

The week 42 part would come from another sheet named "actuals" that'
in the same workbook

Dave Peterson

="for week " & actuals!x99 & " ending"

You could even do:

="Please pay me by: " & text(a1,"mm/dd/yyyy")

to get the formatting the way you want.


would the same formula/method apply for making a chart haeading labe

My chart is driven by the vaue of A1 which is defined by a combo box.
would like the chart heading to look something like

= "estimated VAT For" & A


cereldine wrote
would the same formula/method apply for making a chart haeading label

My chart is driven by the vaue of A1 which is defined by a combo box. I
would like the chart heading to look something like

= "estimated VAT For" & A1

The way I accomplished this was to tuck the source for the chart title away
in a cell (say B30) in a hidden row (30) and then refer the chart title box
to that:
B30 ="estimated VAT For" & A1
Chart Title reference: =Sheet1!B30 <--Sheetname needed for some reason.
Once you place your formula in the cell you will eventually hide (for
cosmetic reasons), you can click the Chart Title box, type =, and click the
cell with the formula and the sheet name will automatically be added.
Hope I haven't confused you too much.


Thanks David, works a treat for anyone else looking to have more
informative charts

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