Can you just pull Just the Time Value out of a Cell?



I was wondering if this was possible, it's been haunting me for awhile.

I'm exporting data into a spreadsheet. There is a "created" column in
which the cells include dates and times, and example of the contents of
a cell is this "7/14/2006 1:49:03 PM"

If you go to cell formatting, you can change it all you want, but the
contents of the actual cell stay the same, what you see just changes.
An example is if I pick 'h:mm' it will show the hours and minutes if
you just look at the cell, but if you click on it to see its contents
it still says 7/14/2006 1:49:03 PM.

I need this for sorting purposes, so that I can put everything from a
certain time together. As of now, since the date is still part of the
cell, it will group them by day.

Any help would be great, thanks!



have you tried Data>text to columns yet. this will parce the date and time
into seperate cells. you can do it manuelly or with macro.
this sniplet is the parce code...
Selection.TextToColumns _
Destination:=Range("E1"), _
DataType:=xlFixedWidth, _
FieldInfo:=Array(Array(0, 1), _
Array(10, 1)), _

you will have to come up with your own select. i just used the range above
to test.
you may also have to adjust the arrays.(i tested date with 1 and 2 digit
month and day and time with 1,2 and 0 digit hours. works)


Since each day is a whole number, you can try:
That will leave you with just the time portion. All the result might show
1/0/1900 along with the corresponding time. All you have to do is format
those resulting cells to a time format.


Dave Peterson

If those values aren't changing, then it's because excel is seeing them as text.

I'd try this.

Close excel
make sure your short windows date is for mdy (month, day, year) using windows
control panel|regional settings. (Common in the USA, not so much in Europe.)

Then back to excel.

Select those cells
what: / (just a slash)
with: /
replace all

Excel should see that you made a change and recognize the values as numbers
(date and times).

Try formatting them to test it out.

And if you want just the time:

but format that cell as time.

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