Can you format numbers in Access as a fraction, like in Excel


woods in me

is it possible to format a table column in Access as a fraction, like in
Excel. is so how?

Pieter Wijnen

you definitly can't do that in Excel... (no enforcment what so ever)
you can however force decimals in access using the validation rule
<1 and > 0


Clif McIrvin

I'm curious to see what the experts have to say about this.

I did some testing, and came up with setting a reference to the Excel
library and then referencing the Worksheet function TEXT. From the
Access VBA Immediate Window in 2003:

======== Begin Copy
?Excel.WorksheetFunction.Text(8.33,"# ?/?")
8 1/3
======== End Copy

so -- it looks like you could use VBA code in a form or report and
directly use the Excel function; or you could write your own formatting
routine in VBA <g>

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

woods in me said:
is it possible to format a table column in Access as a fraction, like in
Excel. is so how?

No. You would use a string data type, the use a function like the following
in the AfterUpdate event of a form's text box:

Use it like:

Sub txtMyText_AfterUpdate()
txtMyText = FractionIt(txtMyText)
End Sub

Public Function FractionIt(dblNumIn As Double) As String
' Name: FractionIt
' Purpose: Converts a double into a string representing a rounded fraction
' Inputs: dblNumIn As Double
' Returns: String
' Author: Arvin Meyer
' Date: June 22, 2001
' Comment: Rounds down from 1/64 over
On Error GoTo Err_FractionIt

Dim strFrac As String
Dim strSign As String
Dim strWholeNum As String
Dim dblRem As Double

If dblNumIn < 0 Then
strSign = "-"
dblNumIn = dblNumIn * -1
strSign = " "
End If

strWholeNum = Fix([dblNumIn])

dblRem = [dblNumIn] - [strWholeNum]

Select Case dblRem
Case 0
strFrac = ""
Case Is < 0.046875
strFrac = "1/32"
Case Is < 0.078125
strFrac = "1/16"
Case Is < 0.109375
strFrac = "3/32"
Case Is < 0.140625
strFrac = "1/8"
Case Is < 0.171875
strFrac = "5/32"
Case Is < 0.203125
strFrac = "3/16"
Case Is < 0.234375
strFrac = "7/32"
Case Is < 0.265625
strFrac = "1/4"
Case Is < 0.296875
strFrac = "9/32"
Case Is < 0.328125
strFrac = "5/16"
Case Is < 0.359375
strFrac = "11/32"
Case Is < 0.390625
strFrac = "3/8"
Case Is < 0.421875
strFrac = "13/32"
Case Is < 0.453125
strFrac = "7/16"
Case Is < 0.484375
strFrac = "15/32"
Case Is < 0.515625
strFrac = "1/2"
Case Is < 0.546875
strFrac = "17/32"
Case Is < 0.578125
strFrac = "9/16"
Case Is < 0.609375
strFrac = "19/32"
Case Is < 0.640625
strFrac = "5/8"
Case Is < 0.671875
strFrac = "21/32"
Case Is < 0.703125
strFrac = "11/16"
Case Is < 0.734375
strFrac = "23/32"
Case Is < 0.765625
strFrac = "3/4"
Case Is < 0.796875
strFrac = "25/32"
Case Is < 0.828125
strFrac = "13/16"
Case Is < 0.859375
strFrac = "27/32"
Case Is < 0.890625
strFrac = "7/8"
Case Is < 0.921875
strFrac = "29/32"
Case Is < 0.953125
strFrac = "15/16"
Case Is < 0.984375
strFrac = "31/32"
Case Is < 1
strFrac = "1"
End Select

If strFrac = "1" Then
FractionIt = strSign & (strWholeNum + 1)
FractionIt = strSign & strWholeNum & " " & strFrac
End If

Exit Function

Select Case Err
Case 0

Case Else
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_FractionIt
End Select

End Function

Clif McIrvin

Arvin, I'm having a bit of trouble following how this would work (Nice,
simple code in the function, BTW.)

Questions below:

Still learning Access 2003

Arvin Meyer said:
No. You would use a string data type, the use a function like the
following in the AfterUpdate event of a form's text box:

Use it like:

Sub txtMyText_AfterUpdate()
txtMyText = FractionIt(txtMyText)
End Sub

Public Function FractionIt(dblNumIn As Double) As String

<big snip>

Isn't there a type conflict between the dblNumIn as Double and the
txtMyText in the call?

Also, are you saying that Access will recognize a string like "8 3/4" as
the numerical value 8.75? Or, perhaps more properly, it will correctly
do a type conversion form 8 3/4 to 8.75?

In the brief testing I just did (2003 SP3) the type conversion ended up
with two numbers: 8, and 0.75 (?8 3/4 in the debug window, ?"8 3.4" did
no conversion.)

I tried defining both a string and variant variable and calling your
FractionIt and got a type mismatch error both times.

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

Clif McIrvin said:
Arvin, I'm having a bit of trouble following how this would work (Nice,
simple code in the function, BTW.)

Questions below:
Isn't there a type conflict between the dblNumIn as Double and the
txtMyText in the call?

No, because the function returns a string. Try this in the Immediate (debug)

? FractionIt(8.75)
8 3/4
Also, are you saying that Access will recognize a string like "8 3/4" as
the numerical value 8.75? Or, perhaps more properly, it will correctly do
a type conversion form 8 3/4 to 8.75?

No, the reverse. The function returns a string from a mixed decimal.
In the brief testing I just did (2003 SP3) the type conversion ended up
with two numbers: 8, and 0.75 (?8 3/4 in the debug window, ?"8 3.4" did no

I tried defining both a string and variant variable and calling your
FractionIt and got a type mismatch error both times.

Here is a function to return a double from a string. There is no error
handling, and I've only tested it with ("8 3/4" and with "8-3/4"):

Function Fraction2Number(strFraction As String) As Double
Dim intIn As Integer

intIn = InStr(1, strFraction, "-")
If intIn = 0 Then
intIn = InStr(1, strFraction, " ")
End If
If intIn = 0 Then
' They either input only a whole number or an invalid separator.
' A whole number is OK.
If Len(Format(Val(strFraction)) = Len(Trim(strFraction))) Then
Fraction2Number = Val(strFraction)
Fraction2Number = 0
End If
ElseIf Right(Trim(strFraction), 1) = "-" Then
' They input whole number with a dash and nothing following
Fraction2Number = Val(strFraction)
ElseIf InStr(1, strFraction, "/") = 0 Then
' There was a dash or space followed by something but it wasn't a
Fraction2Number = 0
Fraction2Number = Val(Left(strFraction, intIn - 1)) +
Eval(Trim(Mid(strFraction, intIn + 1)))
End If

End Function

Clif McIrvin

Yeah, that would work. Assuming Excel standard formatted fractions,
this seems to work as well (I kept your test for '-' as a separator, and
has even less error checking than your function)

Function Fraction2Number(strFraction As String) As Double
Dim intIn As Integer

intIn = InStr(1, strFraction, "-")
If intIn = 0 Then
intIn = InStr(1, strFraction, " ")
End If
If intIn > 0 Then
' Separator found, change to +
Mid(strFraction, intIn, 1) = "+"
End If
Fraction2Number = Eval(strFraction)

End Function

If passing a string literal, it requires the double quotes:

?fraction2number("8 3/4")

Still learning Access 2003

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

If passing a string literal, it requires the double quotes:

?fraction2number("8 3/4")

As does any string. Perhaps it would be a good idea to test for Chr(34)

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