Can you check a show modal property

  • Thread starter Thread starter jc
  • Start date Start date


If you hit F1 on the ShowModal property in the Property box of a user form it
says it is read only.

In Sub UserForm_Activate the code:

If Me.ShowModal = False Then
MsgBox "Modeless"
End If

Causes Compile Error: Method ro data member not found

Is there code that can be used to check if a UserForm is Modal or Modeless?

I don't know, but now I'm curious.

I think to test for modeless, the form would have to be loaded.

But it seems that your code would determine how to load the form; so,
I don't understand how you wouldn't know if the form was modeless or

How would you use such a function if it were to exist?

I want to use the same form in a case where I want to use it modal and
another case modeless. So when I instanciate it, the Userform_Initialize
procedure can test if modal or modeless and make some adjustments based on
just load it anyway you want

Sub test()
UserForm1.Show vbModal
End Sub

Sub test2()
UserForm1.Show vbModeless
End Sub
I don't think you read my previous post close enough. I want to modify the
form when I use it modal so in initiation I need to check what type of show
it is.
Maybe you can add a public variable and make sure you change it before you show
the userform. Then check that variable's value when you need to.

Public UserFormMode as long

Sub test()
userformmode = vbmodal
UserForm1.Show userformmode
End Sub
Sub test2()
userformmode = vbmodeless
UserForm1.Show userformmode
End Sub

Then in your code...

if userformmode = vbmodal then
That would get the job done.

Dave Peterson said:
Maybe you can add a public variable and make sure you change it before you show
the userform. Then check that variable's value when you need to.

Public UserFormMode as long

Sub test()
userformmode = vbmodal
UserForm1.Show userformmode
End Sub
Sub test2()
userformmode = vbmodeless
UserForm1.Show userformmode
End Sub

Then in your code...

if userformmode = vbmodal then