Can you calculate the Median without each value in separate cells?



Using Excel 2003 I have a table with two columns for frequency distribution.
The column labels are BID and COUNT:
5 0
10 2
15 1
20 2
25 5
30 1

I calculate the historgram data AVERAGE using

Is there an easy way to identify the MEDIAN an avoid populating cells with
this data before using the median function?

- Pat


You can call most of the worksheet functions from VBA like this:


To find which functions are uspported type the following

a = worksheetfunction.

When you type the period on the line a drop down box will appear showing you
all the worksheet functions that are avbbailable in VBA.


Hi Joel,

Thanks for the response, but you misunderstood my question.
Let me give you a scaled down example.

I have 11 numbers in 11 cells. They are
{5,5,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10}. Using the MEDIAN function Excel will
return a 10.

My question is: what method (formula?) can I use to do this calculate when I
have this data documented in two columns. One column is the value, the other
is the number of occurances.
5 2 'equates to {5, 5}
10 9 'equates to {10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10}

Media is still 10, but how do I calculate this from the two columns? How?

- Pat


Here is a UDF that will return the array you are looking for

Call with the Range of your table =Median(GetArray(A1:B10))

Function GetArray(Target As Range) As Variant

Dim Results() As Variant

NumRows = Target.Rows.Count
'The sum of the 2nd column is the number of items to return
ArraySize = WorksheetFunction.Sum(Target.Columns(2))

ReDim Results(ArraySize)
Count = 1
For RowCount = 1 To NumRows
For RepeatCount = 1 To Target(RowCount, 2)
Results(Count) = Target(RowCount, 1)
Count = Count + 1
Next RepeatCount
Next RowCount
GetArray = Results

End Function


Just did some checking and found it return an extra 0 at the beginning of the
array. Try this instead

Function GetArray(Target As Range) As Variant

Dim Results() As Variant

NumRows = Target.Rows.Count
NumCol = Target.Columns.Count
'Sum of 2nd column is size of array
ArraySize = WorksheetFunction.Sum(Target.Columns(2))

ReDim Results(ArraySize - 1)
Count = 0
For RowCount = 1 To NumRows
For RepeatCount = 1 To Target(RowCount, 2)
Results(Count) = Target(RowCount, 1)
Count = Count + 1
Next RepeatCount
Next RowCount
GetArray = Results

End Function


Thanks Joel,

You gave me enough information to create a custom "FrequencyMedian" function
to do the job I need.
Thanks -Pat

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