Can Yahoo messenger co-exist?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Don Burnette
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Don Burnette

I currently have Windows Messenger 4.7 and MSN Messenger 6.0, I use MSN
messenger for chatting and keep Windows Messenger for the functionality it

Some folks have Yahoo messenger that I would like to be able to contact,
would it be safe to download yahoo messenger and run it as well, or would
they conflict with each other?

As a side note, when reading up on Windows Messenger in the " Windows XP
Inside and Out" book published by Microsoft Press, it was mentioned that
there was talk between the services of integrated messenger services
universally in the future to where folks with Windows Messenger could
actually contact other messenger service contacts. I don't recall the exact
wording, but this is the jist of it anyway.
Anyone know if this is something that is still being looked at or is it not
ever going to happen?

I think they may co-exist. In my computer they do. I have currently one
microsoft messenger (windows or MSN) and Yahoo messenger signed-in. Probably
you couldn't use audio/video in both at the same time, I haven't tried it.
Greetings Don,

It's perfectly safe to use Yahoo Messenger with MSN Messenger and Windows Messenger
installed -- it's a completely separate application.

As for inter-optability between instant messenger clients, I wouldn't count on it any time
soon. Although the latest Microsoft/AOL deal mentioned that both companies would *EXPLORE*
the option to connect the their two user bases together, there's nothing showing in the rear
view mirror of any "connected" IM networks.
Jonathan Kay
Windows MVP, Messenger
Associate Expert
Messenger Resources -
They co-exist-and work well on my computer. MSNMessenger 6.0.0602,Yahoo
messenger, Am running WinXP Pro with SP1.