Can User Control inherted from a User Controls?


Mr Newbie

When you Inherit from a base class. You do not see the base code in the
class definition of your derived class. However, if you have given anything
other than private as the accessor privilage , then you will be able to
'Use' those properties or methods etc from the derived class.

Hope this answers you question.


I write a Base Web User Control which contains several public properties and
a Inherited Web User Control which only have some codes in new method. When
I use the Inherited Web User Control on Web Form, I don't know why the
Inherited Web User Control have not any properties inherited from Base Web
User Control.
How should I do?

The based web user control as:
using System;

namespace xxxx.UserControls
public class SystemTableDropDownListBase : System.Web.UI.UserControl

public SystemTableDropDownListBase() : base ()

public override void DataBind()


// Properties

public string ViewName

public string DataTextField


The Inherited Web User Control as:
namespace xxxx.UserControls
public class xxxxDropDownList : SystemTableDropDownListBase

public xxxxDropDownList() : base()
ViewName = "vstSalutation";

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