Can this be done?



Greets - Looking for info on if the following can be done.

I work for a company that does PC repair for home users. We need to do
rebuilds once in a while. I'd *like* to utilize ghost for a general image to
drop on each machine, cutting our build time down greatly. The problem I can
see running into, even with using sysprep, is that certain serial numbers
don't work with certain installs - for example, if customer comes in w/ a
Gateway computer, I can't necessarily use a general OEM CD to install, and
use their legal serial number for it - it gets rejected. I have to contact
the customer, pray they know where their restore CD is, hope it's not
damaged, etc.. If I could drop a ghost image on the machine and use the
serial number on their PC, that would cut down time considerably, and still
be legal as far as I can tell, since I'm using the serial # that they
received when they bought the machine.

Can this be done legally and easily? Would I need a ghost image for each
OEM, i.e. one for Gatway, one for Dell, one for HP (granted it's on the HD..
but I've had multiple situations where the HD takes a digger, and I need to
build from scratch). Has anyone else tried this? Any contact person at
Microsoft that I could talk to to make sure it's all on the up and up?



Since hardware will vary by pc any 'Ghost' will only be valid for use on the
hardware that produced the 'ghost'


even if you did find a way to ghost all the different computers, to make it
legal, you would need licences from symantec, assuming you are using symantec
ghost, for all the computers that you put a ghost image on.


True, but utilizing sysprep will remove the serial, and XP will find new
hardware on boot. I've used Ghost for over 10 years, so detecting new
hardware is no problem.



I'll have to check on that. My past experience was that you needed a
license for the machines you made the image on, not the one you dumped it
to. If that's the case, I'd have to go w/ a scripted install via MS tools.


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