Can someone please help me with a simple formula.



Hi, I need to create a sumif formula that will output the number of
cells that fall between a range of 100 to 200. I tried using greater
than 100 and less 200 but it doesn't seem to work (maybe I entered it
wrong, I'm new at this).

Thanks for your help.

Bernard Liengme

Hi Bob,
SUMIF cannot cope with two criteria but a combination formula works:
SUMIF(A1:A1000,">=200") - SUMIF(A1:A1000,"<100")
Another way is with SUMPRODUCT;
However, your message talks of 'out but the NUMBER so I think we should be
using COUNTIF not SUMIF:
COUNTIF(A1:A1000,">=200") - COUNTIF(A1:A1000,"<100")
or -- =SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:A1000>=100),--(A1:A1000<=200))
Best wishes
Bernard Liengme
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Harald Staff


Use COUNTIF for counting. SUMIF is summing the actial values.


Don Guillett

to count
to sum another range with that criteria

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