Can someone explain..........

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~ FreeSpirit ~

Can someone please explain this in plain non-techie English? My Microsoft
Camera Wizard no longer comes up when I insert the thing from my HP digital
camera in the slot on my PC. Nothing happens! Just a brief flash of
something on the monitor, then nothing! I can't do the test below because
there is no "add button" when the "perfmon.exe" opens.

How do I get the wizard back so I can unload my camera?

Find all Files and Folders does not find the Microsoft Camera Wizard, and I
can't find it in Windows Explorer/Programs.

I have WXP-Home/SP1. I downloaded some XP security updates but don't know
if they caused the problem.


Product:Windows Operating System
Message:Open of service failed.

The performance counter DLL could not communicate with the Windows
Management Instrumentation (WMI) Performance Adapter service. WMI allows
developers to define high-performance objects. WMI includes a performance
counter DLL that makes these performance objects visible in Perfmon. This
DLL communicates with WMI through the named WMI Performance Adapter service.
When the performance counter DLL cannot communicate with the WMI Performance
Adapter service, WMI high-performance objects are not visible in Perfmon.
The most common reason they cannot communicate is that the service is not
enabled (start type=disabled). Most high-performance objects come from
device drivers such as those commonly used for batteries in laptops.

User Action
To verify that the WMI Performance Adapter service is enabled
Click Start, point to Control Panel, point to Administrative Tools, and then
double-click Services.
Double-click WMI Performance Adapter.
In the Startup type list, click Manual.
To verify that there are high performance counter objects in WMI
Use Cscript to run the following script:
' Find all performance classes
computer = "."
namespace = "root\wmi"

Set WMISvc = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & computer & "\" & namespace)
Set colSWbemObjectSet = WMISvc.Subclassesof("Win32_Perf")
for each cls in colSwbemObjectSet
wscript.echo "Class name: " & cls.path_
The output should look approximately like this:
Class name: \\YOUR-MACHINE\ROOT\wmi:Win32_PerfRawData
Class name: \\YOUR-MACHINE\ROOT\wmi:Win32_PerfFormattedData
Class name: \\YOUR-MACHINE\ROOT\wmi:MSBatteryClass
Class name: \\YOUR-MACHINE\ROOT\wmi:BatteryTemperature
Class name: \\YOUR-MACHINE\ROOT\wmi:BatteryStatus
If Win32_PerfRaw and Win32_PerfFormattedData are the only subclasses, then
there are no high-performance objects in WMI. If there are high-performance
objects in WMI, verify that they are correctly enabled in Perfmon.
To verify that high-performance counters are correctly enabled in Perfmon

At the command prompt, type perfmon.exe, and then press ENTER.
Click the Add button (+). This adds a test WMI object to Perfmon.
In the Performance objects list, click WMI Objects.
Click Add, and then click Close.
In the list of counters, verify that the number of instances for HiPerf
Classes is greater than zero.
This procedure confirms that the start type is manual and the WMI
Performance Adapter service is enabled. If this corrective action does not
solve the problem, check for other error messages that are closer to the
root cause.

Currently there are no Microsoft Knowledge Base articles available for this
specific error or event message. For information about other support options
you can use to find answers online, see
Have you tried turning on the camera before you plug in the USB cord? This
happened/happens to me occationally and turning on the camera first took care
of it.
DWH said:
Have you tried turning on the camera before you plug in the USB cord?

## You don't have to plug this camera in. You remove the "memory stick" and
place it in the slot in the computer. The wizard (should) them come up to
unload the pics to the pic folder, name the group of pics etc. Then after
deleting the pics the "stick" is replaced in the camera. Among other things
it's fast, easy and saves battery life.

happened/happens to me occationally and turning on the camera first took care
of it.

## I knew about using the USB cord on the old W98 PC, but that wasn't
necessary on this PC with WXP-Home.

DWH said:
Have you tried turning on the camera before you plug in the USB cord?

## I'm not using a cord. It's the flashcard from the camera. You remove it
from the camera and insert it into the Flashdrive and the MS wizard supposed
to come up.

happened/happens to me occationally and turning on the camera first took
of it.

## How do I fix the MS scanner and camera wizard to come up again when the
flashcard is inserted in the flash drive?