can see but not read files after running chkdsk /r on the drive



hello all, I am new to the group. I backed up my pictures and outook
pst files on a second hard drive but since I ran chkdsk /r on the drive
I cannot open any of the files, either the pst file, or any of the
jpg's. I can see the files and folders OK, even the preview on some
jpg's, the icons are correctly reflecting the extension/file type, but
no way I can open any of them. I tried in vain to run a couple of file
repair SW's I found on the net. I get a "file not recognized" error
when trying to open the files. I am running XP home sp2, Outlook 2003,
Pentium IV, Maxtor 110 gyg drive. These are my family and fishing "fish
of my life" pics, only copies I have, thanks for your help!

Pegasus \(MVP\)

patbig said:
hello all, I am new to the group. I backed up my pictures and outook
pst files on a second hard drive but since I ran chkdsk /r on the drive
I cannot open any of the files, either the pst file, or any of the
jpg's. I can see the files and folders OK, even the preview on some
jpg's, the icons are correctly reflecting the extension/file type, but
no way I can open any of them. I tried in vain to run a couple of file
repair SW's I found on the net. I get a "file not recognized" error
when trying to open the files. I am running XP home sp2, Outlook 2003,
Pentium IV, Maxtor 110 gyg drive. These are my family and fishing "fish
of my life" pics, only copies I have, thanks for your help!

You write at the beginning of your post that you backed up your
pictures and your .PST file to a second disk. This implies that you
have two copies of everything, yet at the end you write "only copies
I have". I'm confused.

Can you copy one of the problem files to a different location?
Can you open one of the original files?
Which disk did you run chkdsk on - the original disk or the
backup disk?
What does the Event Viewer report about the chkdsk operation?
Click Start / Run / eventvwr {OK} to find out.


I did copy them to a second disk but formatted the first one thinking I
was covered...bad mistake. So I don't have any original file left. I
can copy the files to a cd but it does not make any difference in the
readibility. The file size is in line with what it should be and
there's no error message when I copy hem.
I ran the chkdsk from the original win XP installation cd. It just said
it had found and repaired several errors.

Pegasus (MVP) wrote :

Pegasus \(MVP\)

You did the right thing by backing up your files but then
you made two terrible mistakes: You did not test your
backed up files and you started playing with your backup
medium. I suspect they are damaged beyond repair. Ask
a computer-savvy friend to examine some of them with
a binary viewer - while their sizes and names might be
correct, their contents is probably all rubbish.

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