Can reflection tell the base class of an object?



Hey guys,

Are there functions in reflection that gives information about the base
classes of an object?

Thanks in advance


Hey guys,

Are there functions in reflection that gives information about the base
classes of an object?

Thanks in advance

Here's an example:

Private Sub ShowInheritanceTree(ByVal Instance As Object)
Dim t As Type = Instance.GetType()
Dim n As Integer = 0
Dim tmp As Type = t
Dim names As ArrayList = New ArrayList()

While Not tmp Is GetType(Object)
If tmp Is Nothing
tmp = t.BaseType
tmp = tmp.BaseType
End If

n += 1
End While

Dim line As String
Dim spaces As String
For i As Integer = n - 1 To 0 Step -1
line = String.Empty
If i < n - 1
spaces = StrDup(((n - 1) - i) * 4, " ")
line = spaces & "|" & vbNewLine & spaces & "--- "
End If

line &= CStr(names(i))
Next i
End Sub

This method goes up the inheritance tree looking for the base types of each
class the current class inherits from then reverses the search to display
each class from top-to-bottom.


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