Can not use open on microsoft office!


Zap Eagle

Just a couple of days ago, Microsoft Office quit opening files from within
their programs. However, if you open them from the folder under My
Computer's folders, the files will open that way if you double-click on
them. I prefer launching the application such as Word first and click open
from there instead of going the My computer route.
It happens in Word, Excel and PowerPoint. I haven't tried Access yet.

Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005
Office 2003

Alan Edwards

Problems in Windows Explorer or the Windows shell after you install
security update MS06-015 (15 Apr-06)

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS06-015
Vulnerability in Windows Explorer Could Allow Remote Code Execution
(908531) has
been revised to v1.2 to reflect the issues in KB918165.
From the FAQ section:
"On Tuesday, April 25, Microsoft will issue a targeted re-release of
the MS06-015 update."

Now may not be the time to learn Regedit.
I suggest you use a .reg file already done for the purpose.

Unzip it, extract the .reg file to a folder, right-click it and select
Merge and confirm when asked.


Zap Eagle

Thanks Alan, I will try the later.

Alan Edwards said:
Problems in Windows Explorer or the Windows shell after you install
security update MS06-015 (15 Apr-06)

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS06-015
Vulnerability in Windows Explorer Could Allow Remote Code Execution
(908531) has
been revised to v1.2 to reflect the issues in KB918165.
From the FAQ section:
"On Tuesday, April 25, Microsoft will issue a targeted re-release of
the MS06-015 update."

Now may not be the time to learn Regedit.
I suggest you use a .reg file already done for the purpose.

Unzip it, extract the .reg file to a folder, right-click it and select
Merge and confirm when asked.


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