Can not open or run program files



I have vista system 32.Have had many problems.Frstrated I reinstalled Vista.
I lost all of my files.(Power2 go DVD,mirosoft works,pictures ect...)I had a
backup on dick D and also DVD-RW. I now can view them on disk C .there any
way I can run programs and files to get them back? It only lets me open &
view them.(I had been getting help from a microsoft tech but now I'm kind of

Chad Harris

Hi Gracie--

Need more info.

1) If you can "view them" on C:\ what happens when you go to C:\Program
Files and click the setup for a particular program?

2) Why can't you reinstall the programs from the original CDs/DVDs or don't
you have them?

3) You say you reinstalled Vista? Did you format one drive? Did you do a
repair install? What drive did you reinstall Vista to? What disk did you
reinstall Vista to? Why not reinstall the programs now that you have Vista
up running and working?

4) Try running SFC by typing cmd in search>rt. click>run as elevated and at
the cmd prompt type sfc /scannow

5) Do you have a Vista DVD? If you have a Vista DVD you might be able to
reconstruct or repair files that are corrupt by running startup repair which
does more than fix no boot situations:

How to Use Startup Repair: (Any of the links provide screen shots)

Good luck,


John Barnes

You will have to reinstall your programs. You can drag and drop the data
files that you can see in your backups.

Chad Harris

Gracie said:
I have vista system 32.Have had many problems.Frstrated I reinstalled
I lost all of my files.(Power2 go DVD,mirosoft works,pictures ect...)I had
backup on dick D and also DVD-RW. I now can view them on disk C .there any
way I can run programs and files to get them back? It only lets me open &
view them.(I had been getting help from a microsoft tech but now I'm kind

Chad Harris

Gracie said:
I have vista system 32.Have had many problems.Frstrated I reinstalled
I lost all of my files.(Power2 go DVD,mirosoft works,pictures ect...)I had
backup on dick D and also DVD-RW. I now can view them on disk C .there any
way I can run programs and files to get them back? It only lets me open &
view them.(I had been getting help from a microsoft tech but now I'm kind

Chad Harris

Gracie --

John's post made me realize you may be dragging and dropping programs from
one drive to another. If you are, sometimes that will work, but often it
will not work, particularly in larger programs, like Office even when they
work transiently. It's never best practices and will often result in
frustration to drag and drop programs from one drive to another and expect
them to work.

You can be on a system drive say C:\ and when you get the option to install
a program from C:\ choose to install to another partition to save space if
you have that choice. That will work but that's not the same as dragging
and dropping the program from one drive to another.

You can drag the setup for a program say to a thumb drive on one pc and then
drag the setup (say a .exe) to another pc and install it successfully.

I didn't realize though from your post that you might be trying to drag and
drop those programs you see from one drive to another and are running into

As John says, if you are, don't do that. Reinstall the program on the drive
where you want it to work.


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