Can not log-on to XP Pro



After booting up the general sign on screen comes up that
has my icon. There is no password on my account. After
clicking on the icon, it begins to load my settings.
After a short wait, the screen flashes like it is going to
start loading my desktop but instead, it says it is
logging me out.

I've tried doing this multiple times after rebooting.
I've tried booting to safe mode (all 3) and I have tried
booting to last know config. However, they all get back
to the same log in screen (since there is really nothing
wrong with booting into windows. However, I can not log
on. In safe mode it allows me to try and log into the
admin account but the same thing happens.

The last time that I was logged in, I may have killed the
explorer.exe service. I was trying to kill iexplore.exe
because I was being attached by popups. After killing
Explorer.exe, I had to reboot of course and that is where
I am.


A User Logon Request Is Rejected Without Any Messages

If the above is not the case, this does work and has been verified:

This problem turns out to be that the Winlogon userinit entry is being set
"wsupdater.exe," and not "userinit.exe,".

From here, you can either opt to slave the drive and then use:

Editing the Registry for "other" Users


Go to Start/Run/Regedit and navigate to this key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon.

In the right pane under Userinit, Change the key to read:

Or download and run the reg file on line 263 (right hand side)


Place your XP CD in and navigate to the Recovery Console.
Change the C:\Windows prompt to: C:\Windows\System32 and copy userinit.exe
to wsaupdater.exe

Reboot into Safe Mode and modify:

Change userinit in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows
NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon from wsaupdater.exe, to userinit.exe,

Added info:

Recovering XP using the Recover Console (Line 333) Right hand side:


Thanks Kelly and thanks for getting me the info fast. The
extra info on how to use Recovery Console was great.

FYI, The first suggestion was not it since I also had the
same problem with my Admin account that did have a

The problem with the registry was right on. I used my XP
CD's Recovery Console Options to make the change in the
registry. Everthing is working fine.


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