Can MS EXCEL remove duplicates and separate by color coded items ?


nilu kazi

Can MS EXCEL remove duplicates and separate by color coded items ?

I am NOT technical and have just started using MS EXCEL.

Can anyone PLEASE HELP me:

1. How can I automatically remove duplicates using EXCEL ?
ie the same info input more than once on different lines.
Can EXCEL do this ?

2, I have color coded the text in the certain lines in terms of priority.
can Excel rearrange the data by color ?
If yes, How do I do it ?

I think I have EXCEL '97

Thanks for your help in advance.

Bob Phillips

I would use autofilter to remove the duplicates.

First add a helper column to identify the duplicates. Let's assume that the
data is in A1:A100. In B1, add the following formula
Type this exactly as shown, with the $ as I have provided. Then copy down
all appropriate rows.

Next, goto Data>Autofilter and choose Custom, and select Greater than with a
value of 1 and OK. This will then only show those duplicate rows. Select
them and delete them, the hidden rows will be okay, and will be visible when
you turn Autofilter off.

As for sorting, this again is done by creating a helper column to get the
ColorIndex and sort on that column. It needs VBA, and is described on Chip
Pearson's site at

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