Can i use the Group Domainadmins for two Domains?

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Hi i've a Netzwork with 4 Domains in a forrest.
I'have some administrators an they are in the domainadmins group from domain
a, b, c and d.

There are some admins they're working in all four domains and i've assigned
them to the group enterprise admins.

Now i have some admins the don't need enterpris admin because they're
responsable only for domain a and b not for c and d.

How can i manage it that all Admins form the group domain admins in doman a
can be in the domain admins group from domain b?

The domain admin group is a global group so i can't import users from other
domains. And i can't also import universal groups.
Create IDs in each domain for them to use or add their IDs to the administrators
group of every domain or if that doesn't delegate enough, set up a universal
group and delegate the specific Directory items you need delegated and add them
to that.
