Can I run Access 2000 on NT 4.0?



Until recently, in our dept at work, we have had a shared database
(intermittent use) running off Access 2000, running on NT 4.0 machines, some
with Office 2000, some with 97. I wrote the database and it has been, for two
months with 10 users, a success. I have since been forced by our much-loved
IT dept. to rewrite it to run off 97. I have found the reasons so far given
to me unconvincing, although the gist is that the network can unexpectedly
crash when running off 2000. (Nothing of the sort has happened).

I am fed up with the tedious work this is requiring and hope that someone
can confirm or deny IT's position on this! Any thoughts will be much
appreciated. Thanks...

Roger Carlson

I got curious, so I searched the Microsoft Knowledgebase. I could not find
any article detailing a problem with running A2000 on NT 4.0, but negative
information is not very convincing. However, I DID find an article
explaining how to install Access 2000 on an NT 4.0 box:;en-us;264596
and also how to install XP:;en-us;290309
so apparently, Microsoft believes it is possible to install and run an
*higher* version of Access on NT.

--Roger Carlson
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Thanks. Was that on a network though? Which version of Office was it with?
Think I'm been messed about here!


Thanks a lot: this is all useful stuff. I think I'm just bearing the brunt
of some quite sad politics.

Almost done though!

Thanks again...

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