Can I restore ONLY core Windows folders from a previous backup? Wh



Well....I did a foolish thing. I installed a major system upgrade without
first backing up my system. Bad, foolish man..... Perhaps one of you
knowledgable types can give me some advice. Here's what happened.

1. A few months ago I backed up my entire system using Acronis TrueImage.

2. Then about a month ago I installed the dreaded Windows XP Service Pack 2.
My computer seemed to accept this just fine, and ran at it's usual speedy

3. Two weeks ago I tried to scan something, only to find that the software
involved with the scanner was not functioning. In the process of
reinstalling that software and the accompanying drivers I came across
information that advised me to uninstall Service Pack 2 (a.k.a. SP2) before
installing this software. This I did, as well as (stupidly) installing a
number of other Windows updates at the same time. Then I re-installed SP2.
This hosed my system but good. After some struggle, I was finally able to
re-uninstall SP2, and my system was back online. But SP2 has been installed
and un-installed twice.

4. Now...Things are running slowly, taking a long time to boot up, and
recently it started giving me this error during the initial bootup process:

0251: System CMOS checksum bad - Default configuration used.

Strangest of all, my copy of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic has
been running at wildly varying speeds, but usually the characters run around
at hyper-speed. It turns out the game sometimes thinks my system is running
at 135 mhz! Oy vey.....

But finally, here's the part where I'm hoping one of you can help me:
tomorrow, I plan to back up my system as it sits now, and then restore my
system from the most recent backup before THAT - the one made during Step 1
as noted above.
Naturally I have lots of documents and other files that I'd like to
preserve. Now I could save them off to another disk and restore the entire
backup file, and then copy these files back.
Instead......My backup software lets me select which folders and files I
want to restore, and I wonder if there aren't certain core directories and
files that I can restore that would do the trick. Perhaps just the c:\Windows
directory and the registry?

Any advice appreciated....


Why try backing up xp with it running so erratic,youre only copying somewhat
corrupted files it sounds like.The file-transfer-wizard will save all youre
files,settings,etc,as for xp,install a fresh copy.SP2 is actually a great
add-on to
xp,however you should run the mntce programs (all), removing SP2 back to SP1
will work but youre asking alot of the system.

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