Can I make a formula which follows a specific cell?



Is there any way to make excel follow the contents of a cell?

I have a league table where the totals change as points are gained and
need a third table to collate the points from table one which is an
archive whos values no longer chnage and table two which is the
current league table where teams (and the respective cells in which
the points values reside) move up and down according to results.

If you require further info please do not hesitate to ask.

Roger Govier


Use Vlookup
Assuming the 2 tables had 5 columns with the first being the team name
and the last being the points, then


With your Team Names starting in A2 on sheet3 it would be
copied down the sheet.

Adjust ranges to suit.
The 5 in the formula is the column offset from the name where the number
of points are held. Adjust this also as you adjust the size of the
lookup table.


Name the cells you want, in the search box type name cells or cell reference
and you will se how to do this. If you name a cell say Team1Total then on
another sheet you could type =Sheet1!Team1Total and get the result no matter
where the named cell is.



Use Vlookup
Assuming the 2 tables had 5 columns with the first being the team name
and the last being the points, then


With your Team Names starting in A2 on sheet3 it would be
copied down the sheet.

Adjust ranges to suit.
The 5 in the formula is the column offset from the name where the number
of points are held. Adjust this also as you adjust the size of the
lookup table.


Roger Govier

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Thak you for your help however this has not helped matters.

The Vlookup function works well to collate total points but when a
team moves, the value of the points move also and the vlookup formula
only calculates the value of the named cell.

I need some kind of formula which will follow a specific cell, perhaps
i need a formula first which moves the cell first rather than re-
arranging the values?

Roger Govier

the vlookup formula
only calculates the value of the named cell.

I don't understand what you are saying
If VLookup finds TeamA on row 6, for example, then it would take the
value E6.
If the order of the Teams altered, and TeamA was now located in row 12,
Vlookup would find it in A12 and take the value form E12.


If the team name is being held in column A of your "results" sheet, then
even if you sorted that sheet and the team name order was changed, it
would still find the correct team on the other 2 sheets

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